Wednesday, August 22, 2012

誕生日の週末 birthday weekend


The birthday weekend was pretty hectic, but fun.  Good or bad, my hubby's and mine are 4 days apart, so we used to go somewhere instead of buying gifts for each other before the kid. Perhaps because of that, now it seems like we both have hard time figuring out what to get for birthday...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

クラブケーキ crab cakes

週末は義姉家にお邪魔。チビを預けて5年前に披露宴をしたYork River沿いのレストランにランチをしに行って来た。

This past Saturday, my sister-in-law was nice enough to look over Akari, so we can go out for lunch at the restaurant on York River where we had the wedding reception five years ago (!).

Friday, August 03, 2012

お勧めパンとパンケーキのレシピ my favorite bread and pancake recipes

一時期ハマっていたパン作りも、チビが生まれてからは時間がなく無理だった。でも偶然にも自分の時間ゼロの私にでもお手軽に出来るレシピに行き会ったよ!しかもレシピ、信じられないくらい簡単で、外はパリパリ中はモチモチでパンが焼ける。日本のフワフワのパンも良いけど、噛みごたえのあるハードも好き♥ ズボラな私でも失敗しないところが更にすごい、このレシピ!  

 I have come across this awesome recipe for bread. This is going to be one of my favorites for sure since it's super easy and I can bake it while I'm working or doing other things, like taking care of A. ...set it, forget it, and bake it!