週末は義姉家にお邪魔。チビを預けて5年前に披露宴をしたYork River沿いのレストランにランチをしに行って来た。
This past Saturday, my sister-in-law was nice enough to look over Akari, so we can go out for lunch at the restaurant on York River where we had the wedding reception five years ago (!).
結婚5周年を来月に控え、思い出の場所へ…と書くと聞こえは良いが、主な理由はクラブケーキを食べたかったから!そもそもご飯がおいしくて決めた場所だったのに、当日はドタバタしててゆっくり料理を楽しむ暇ゼロ… 涙 他のお店でクラブケーキを何回か試してみたものの、ここのが一番美味しかったんだよね。しかし、慣れって怖いわ。ワシントンDC付近は物価が高く、その感覚に慣れてしまっている自分たちを再確認。クラブケーギ$15がすごく安い思えたよ…(アメリカはシーフードってなぜか高価品)しかし、ゆっくりご飯を楽しみながら食べられるのって、幸せ〜とつくづく思った。
私の目の前に来た瞬間、スライドして方向転換し私のすぐ後ろにいた旦那に抱きついた!! ショック!!! 完全にママを無視して素通りして行った愛娘。いい性格してます。
Since our anniversary is coming up next month, we wanted to go back to where we got married... well, that was a part of reason too. It was more about their yummy crab cakes! ;) Being preoccupied during the wedding reception, we hardly enjoyed our food even though we picked this place because of the crab cakes! We have tried crab cakes in many other restaurants, but by far, theirs are the best! No fillings or over seasoned, but cooked just right and priced well (after living in the expensive DC area, we realized we got use to seeing higher priced food, so the $15 crab cakes seemed cheap! ...craziness...). At least to say, it was nice to get to enjoy food without rushing and multitasking while eating!! (I'm pretty sure all parents think this way!)
Upon our return to the house, my little one dashed toward us with joy as soon as she saw us coming in. Overwhelmed by the joy of being mother and thinking that she must missed her mommy a lot, I keeled down to hug her as she was running toward me...
then she stepped on side to avoid me once she got right front of me, then ran to her daddy who was behind me... with a huge smile as it was all calculated act!!! What a kid!!!!!!
Riverwalk Restaurant
323 Water Street, Suite A-1
Yorktown, VA 23690
Delete体調どうですか?そうなんですよ〜 DC辺りのレストランお昼は$10以上が当たり前で、DCないだと$15超える事も!もちろんシーフードはなぜかもっとするし…
娘が先日、初めて1単語以上喋ったのですが、それがよりによって「ママ嫌〜」。旦那について外出したかった娘を抱っこして引き離したら、号泣しながら言われちゃいました… 女の子ってパパ大好きなんですね〜