Wednesday, August 22, 2012

誕生日の週末 birthday weekend


The birthday weekend was pretty hectic, but fun.  Good or bad, my hubby's and mine are 4 days apart, so we used to go somewhere instead of buying gifts for each other before the kid. Perhaps because of that, now it seems like we both have hard time figuring out what to get for birthday...


まあ特に欲しい物もないので、ご飯食べて、花を買ってもらいました。アクセを買ってもらうつもりで、一緒に行ったお店ではなぜかデザインの素敵な子供のオモチャを衝動買い。結局、ペンダントもイヤリングももぎ取られるのが目に見えるので、今回は断念… そのうちね… アカリが遊ばなかったら、息子くん用のつもりだったんだけど、意外と「ぶぅ〜ん」と言いながら遊ぶヤンチャな娘。さすが私の娘、血は争えない… まぁ、旦那も遊んでるけど・・・

As always, we ended up eating out over the weekend to celebrate together, and he bought me flowers. We did go into a store to buy an accessory, but instead, we bought a red toy plane impulsively. It was too cute to pass! -- It was going to be for the little dragon if Akari doesn't care, but to our surprise, she enjoys playing with it! After all, she is my kid, I guess. I hardly played with dolls and stuff ;)

Well, you know I cannot wear a necklace, a pendant or hanging earring because Akari will rip them off. I guess I just have to wait a few more years for those things... sigh   
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  1. おめでとう!

    1. え〜一日違いだぁ。遅ればせながらおめでとう!8月多いね〜 来年は一緒にお祝いしよ!
