久し振りに暴食暴飲(授乳のため飲めませんが、珍しくソーダを…)汗 幸いにも天気に恵まれ、パティオでBBQを楽しみリフレッシュできた週末した!子供たちもみんなに構ってもらって満足顔。ちび姉は引き潮の際に、義兄と従兄弟くんたちと潮干狩りをしてきて貝をバシバシ棒でひっぱたいて、楽しかったみたい。凶暴ちび姉ゴンだわ…
On the Memorial day weekend, we went back to visit the sister-in-law's. I remember when I was still working full-time, I couldn't wait for the Memorial day weekend since it's the very fist holiday after the New Year. Not having any holidays for almost 5 months was a little hard to deal, but now instead of having break from work, it's a break from the little ones ;) As much as the kids love to play with others, I love to get away from the routine of everyday things and it's funny how now I consider it as a good vacation without hopping on an airplane to go somewhere faraway… I feel so lucky to have someone not to far away welcoming us!!
The weekend weather was perfect, sunny and not too hot! Everyone enjoyed BBQ on the patio as well as spending some time outside. Akari even get to play at a beach digging clams with her cousins. Her sneakers were sandy and soaking wet! I guess I should get her rain boots?