おかげで(?)先週末以降から、朝起きて初めに「おんも、いこ!」今までは「パン!」だったのに… 部屋から出るとすぐに自分の靴をもって催促するまでに。朝が苦手な私は「あとで〜」を一体毎朝、何回言っているのだろう…
そんなんで、私の花粉症も落ち着いたので、暑くなる前に思いっきり公園を満喫させてあげ ようと、今日の午前中は公園で2時間も遊ばせてきました。プレイグループも読聞かせも、何かと脱走したがるちび姉。(絶対に将来学校から成績表に協調性が ないと書かれるのじゃないかと、実は今から心配)公園は正反対!!私とちび介が帰りたいがために、もっと遊ぶ〜と泣き叫ぶちび姉を抱えて、片手でベビー カーを押しつつ、車まで戻る羽目に… 思いっきり遊ばせたので昼寝はガッチリ4時間も!ラッキー☆
So after spending time at the new house of sister-in-law's this past weekend, Akari is obsessed with playing outside. She had so much fun running around and exploring the huge yard. And what kid doesn't love being pushed around in the wheel-barrel! After everyone got tired of pushing the wheel-barrel, she was still trying to climb into it by herself...
Now since the Mother's Day weekend, now she says "Let's go outside" as the first thing in the morning while she is still in the crib. As soon as she gets out her room, she even grabs her shoes and ask me to put them on! She is so ready to go, but not her sleepyhead mama though... This is a little tough and I end up repeating "a little later..." over and over.
So today I decide to bring her to a playground since my allergy is better finally. Well, guess what!? We were there for two hours! I even had to grab her and carry her out of park while pushing Ken in the stroller because she still wanted to play, but it was getting hot and Ken and I were hungry. Geez, she really loves park unlike playgroups and stroytimes which she usually tries to leave right away... Anyway, I think today was win-win situation for everyone! Akari had so much fun and hers nap was almost 4 hours. Yay!