I know May is almost over, and Children's Day was way back on May 5th. Well, bare with me... I know it's somewhat of expired content... So since the middle of April, my household been dealing with cold, allergy and sinus infection. After kids got better, now it was B and my turn to suffer, this time it was sinus infection around the first week of May...

手抜きも何も、ちまきしか作る気力なかったわ。いや、炊き込みご飯にしか見えないけれど、ちゃんと中華ちまきです。ただね、面倒だったので炊飯器で炊いてお 茶碗によそっただけなの。笹の葉もタケノコの皮も手にはいらないし… 鯉のぼりの形のプレートとかケーキとかもなし。そう、ちまきだけ!ちまきだけ作っ て、力つきてソファーの上で伸びてました。ごめんね、ちび介。どうせまだ何も食べられないからいいや〜という気持ちもどこかにあったけど、来年はちゃんと がんばるので許して…
For Children's celebration, I wanted to make all different kinds of dish to celebrate Ken's very fist Children's Day (also it's Boys' Day). BUT, I only had energy for one dish, chimaki (sticky rice dumplings) before I crushed and vegetate on the sofa. I felt bad for Ken for not making it special, but on corner of my mind, I have to admit, I was thinking it wasn't a big deal since he cannot eat yet! Sorry, Ken... I will do better next year, I promise...

鯉のぼりも用意できなかったので、せめて自作でも!とDIYの紙の鯉のぼりを作ってみたのだけれども、難易度ふつうのはずが、難しかった!!!! 私が不器用なだけなのかもしれないけれど、マジで途中放棄したくなったことが何度あったか…ウソツキ!でも、まぁヤケでちび介のために夜な夜な時間を見つけて作りましたよ〜これ、作ってる途中で、肝心な難点に気づいたんですが・・・写真では中に浮いている様に見えるのですが、実際には糸で鯉を柱につなげるので、柱を立てると鯉が空を泳がない!これじゃ、まるで死んでいるようで、かっこ良くない!
Since we didn't have Koinobori for the occasion, I decided to make DIY paper-craft Koinobori and make them for Ken. It was supposed to be a piece of cake, well it was labeled as "middle level"... WRONG!! It was quite difficult and took a little longer than I expected. Also there were two major issues I didn't expect. Fish were attached to the pole with strings, and it wasn't self-standing type... The photo sort of tricked me thinking kois will look like swimming when it's finished. So I had to think a little hard to come up with a solution – use pieces of paper strips instead of strings, and make a stand using a pair of chopsticks and a piece of wood.
Despite my effort, I wasn't too thrilled with the outcome, but I tried and hope Ken will appreciate it when he looks photos later...
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