友達とIHOPでの朝食後、韓国食品店ソウルでいろいろと買ってきましたー。先週に赤血球が足りないと健康診断で判明。鉄分を取るように注意されたばかりなので、鉄分の多い料理が気になる今日この頃。大豆とひじきの煮物が作りたいけど、大豆の水煮缶が見つからない・・・ 仕方なく乾燥大豆を使ってチャレンジする事に!
After Sunday breakfast at IHOP with friends, we shopped at Seoul, a Korean grocery store. Because I found out I should take more iron in my diet after the health exam the last week, I've been conscious about diet high in iron. However I couldn't find a can of soy beans I need for a dish I was planning to prepare, I've decided to the dry beans which I've never done with soy beans.
I have to soak the bean for about 24 hours before I use for cooking, so I have to wait until tomorrow for cooking. Hope it goes well~!!

こちらはソウルで買ったカボチャ。季節外れなのを考えずに買ったのが失敗の素だったよ〜 ( ̄Д ̄;)
こっちで手に入るのはカボチャはなぜか日本売っているのより水っぽい。切っている最中に「なんか白っぽくってヤバいかな〜?」との予想が的中。煮物にしたのに変に水っぽくって全くホカホカしてなく、なかりマズい!というか救いようがないほどマズくって、今回は胃袋ではなくゴミ箱行きにという結末・・・ 過去45分を返せ〜
I've also got a
kabocha (Japanese winter squash) from the same store. I should have known that it's off season for this squash. Kabochas that are available in the States are often a little watery than the ones you can get in Japan for whatever reasons. Well, I had a bad feeling while I was cutting it up, and my suspicion was correct... It was TOO watery and tasted terrible! This dish ended up going to a trash can instead of our stomach tonight... Give me back my 45 minutes!!!! :-<