問題は材料。お赤飯ってずーっと小豆で作る物だと思ってました(苦笑)ネットでレシピを見て初めて「ささげ」というマメを使うのが分かったのは良い物の、アメリカで売っているの?と心配に… 英語ではred cowpeaとよばれるらしいんだけど、どこで売っているのか不明。とりあえず韓国食品店に行ってみる。「ささげ」として売っているマメはなかったけど、それっぽい「紅豆」というものを購入。
My mom bought me a Le Cruset pot for my birthday. I've decided to cook osekihan (red bean rice for celebration as red and white are color for cerebration) with my new pot for a friend who just had a baby about a week ago.
So this being my first time cooking this dish, I wasn't sure if I'll be able to get the right ingredients. Supposedly I needed to use red cowpeas (direct translation from Japanese)... Where am I supposed to get it???? ...well at a Korean grocery store here in Louisville, I didn't see "red cowpeas" but found something very similar. So these are the main ingredients.
ル・クルーゼのHPで見つけたお赤飯のレシピではなぜか上手くかない...火力の違い?オーバルじゃなくってマル型にすれば良かったか?どうしても炊きムラが... 試行錯誤の結果、完璧とまではいえないけどお赤飯がおいしくたけたよ♪
After researching for the right recipe and trying things out, I did it!! Although it's not "perfect", it was certainly yummy. :D
Also I cooked Japanese style fried chicken.