前回の更新から2ヶ月以上も経っていた… 苦笑
Opps! It's been more than two months since the last update!!!!

↑ 引越し屋にも呆れられる程、荷物が多かったらしい 苦笑
Even the mover made a comment that we got so many boxes... what a mess!!
いろいろイベントが重なりかなり忙しかったんだよね〜 8月末に急に引越しが決まり、9月はツワリと戦いながら荷造りに追われ、9月末に何だかんだで結局7年も住んでいたケンタッキーを後に、バージニアに戻ってきたよ。妊娠初期に独りで車12時間も運転はさすがに辛かった〜!!! 休み休み来たのと、途中ウエスト・バージニアはずーっと雨だったので、12時間もかかった… 10月上旬からワシントンDC郊外のアレキザンドリアに住んでます〜 14日に届いてから山積みになっていた段ボールもほぼ片付き、のんびり出来るかなと思ったのもつかの間、2週間程体調崩してて何も出来てない… 涙
Well, there were so many things happened in the past two months and I was super busy, at least to say. Now we are in near Washington, DC, and back in Virginia after living in Kentucky for 7 years (initially we thought we will be there only up to 3 years! ha!). At the end of August, we found out that we are moving, and most of September, we were too busy packing everything despite of my morning sickness... We said good-bye to KY at the end of Sept, and moved to Alexandria, VA in the beginning of Oct. Unfortunately, our belonging did not get delivered until 14th.... ugh.
For most part, the place is organized but I have been not feeling all that great for the past 2 weeks, and haven't been productive or functioning at all... Hopefully this sinus infection will go away soon before it gets worse.

気がついたらもう既に11月だし、お腹は出てきて入る洋服がないわで… 写真は先週妊娠14週目のとき… そのうち自分の足が見えなくなるんだろうなぁ 苦笑
While I have been busy and sick, my tummy has been growing and I cannot fit into most of my clothes... The photo from the last week @14 weeks pregnant. It will be matter of time that I won't be able to see my feet!!!!