Thursday, November 18, 2010

Food log :: Kabab ケバブ

中近東からの移民が多いのか、この辺りはケバブのお店が沢山!中近東の食べ物にハマっているのでかなり嬉しすぎる〜♥ でもあまりにも多くって、全部チェックするのには時間的にも金銭的にも可能かなぁ〜??今回はDuke House of Kebabというお店に行ってみたよ。お肉を焼いている匂いが店の外でするので、中に入る前にすでにお腹がグルグル〜♪ 中には小ちゃいお店もあってパンとかお米やスパイスも売ってた。フルサービスのレストランでなく、お持ち帰りの人もいっぱい来てたかな。

In the DC metro area, it seems to be there are so many kebab or Middle Eastern restaurants and that is making me really happy~♥ But since there are so many of them, it will take a while to check them out... As our first place, we went to Duke House of Kebab that was close to the home. Out side of the restaurant, you can already notice yummy smell of kebab grilling which made my stomach grumble... Inside, they also sell grocery such as rice, pita bread and spices. This isn't full-service restaurant and there were handful people for take-out.

問題のお味の方は… 個人的にはまあまあ。もっと美味しいお店で食べた事あるかも。Urbanspoonの評判がすごく良かったぶん、ちょっとガッカリかも〜 Beejayは結構おいしがっていたけどね… 量は多かったので食べきらずお持ち帰り。

So the food... well, it wasn't the best kebab I ever had unfortunately. It was a little disappointed since the reviews I saw on Urbanspoon was pretty good... Although Beejay seemed to be enjoying the food more than I was. The portion was pretty huge and we ended up bring the leftover back with us.

6301 Little River Tpke
Alexandria, VA 22312
(703) 256-0009

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