Good friends and their kids came to visit us from Baltimore on Sunday. We all went to National Air and Space Museum by metro. Their oldest, Holland (5 yo) seems to like Beejay a lot and he was busy asking him to sit next to him in the train whole time, literally calling his name until he sat down next to Holland...

After the Museum, Holland asked his parents if he can go back to our place.
Mother: "Why do you want to go back there? They don't have toys for you to play..."
Holland: "Because they have slippers!!"
まさかフローリングの床をスリッパを履いて滑るのが気に入っていたなんて… 子供には何でもない物がオモチャなんだと、改めて子供の想像力に驚き☆
It is always impressive how kids turn everything into their toy. To Holland, he liked sliding on the hardwood floor wearing slippers!
[ **Bonus / おまけ** ]

友達も言ってたよ… 精神年齢が同じだから、子供と遊ぶのが上手だって(笑)納得してしまった〜