This was my second time using Gocco to print the card. Despite the fact I'm still getting hang of it, I ended up going all out by creating the registration device and mixing two inks. Pretty happy with the result though.
Although I had rough sketch done for the illustration around summer, I ended up putting off until a week before Christmas to finish the cards... Oh boy...
ウチのツリーはファンキーにも真っ赤… Our funky red tree...

今のところ全て順調で今週で23週目。クリスマスにはビージェイが胎動を感じ取る事が出来た♪ 嬉しいなぁ… 時間が経つのはホント早いけど、まだまだ先は長い〜 毎日確実にデカくなっていくお腹。つま先が殆ど見えなくなっちゃったー!!
It was nice and relaxing Christmas with our families. Once again, I probably ate a little too much. I know I should haven't eaten cookies I baked as gifts! Even though I really haven't had particular cravings during this pregnancy (slightly disappointed...), occasionally I really want sweets. Not good...
So far everything seems to be going smoothly and I'm at 23 weeks this week. On the Christmas day, Beejay was able to feel the kick for the first time! :) That was awesome! I cannot believe I'm already at the end of the 2nd trimester, but there are still 4 months to go. Boy! My stomach is definitely growing everyday. Look! You can barely see my toes now...

クリスマスの翌日は見事に大雪で、朝起きたら辺りは真っ白に。奇麗だったけど素直に喜べず… コレがスキー場だったら最高だったのに〜 どうにか無事脱出したけど、道に雪が積もりすぎてて、ハラハラドキドキの怖い帰り道。なぜか家のそばは全く雪がなかった… この違いは何なんだろ。DCだけラッキーだったみたい。
Next day was a quite shocking one. There were already 5-6 inch of snow and snow was still coming down like crazy. Too bad that we weren't at a ski resort. We had to make back to DC that day!! It was the scariest drive back since the street and highway wasn't really cleaned up... Glad we made it out in one piece!! What shocked us was that there was no snow in DC area when everywhere else got tons of snow along the East Coast!!!

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