Friday, December 31, 2010

回想 recollection


As I update this blog, I know that Japan is already in year 2011 since it's 14 hours ahead of the States. In the States, we have about 6 more hours left in 2010. This year has gone by insanely fast!!


My year started with the 3 month-stay in Japan. This was the longest time I got to stay since I moved to the States. Upon my return, I started as a freelance designer. Then I went back to Japan in June for my sister's wedding for a week. There were three additions to my immediate family, and I became an aunt...

20代とおさらばし誕生祝いもソコソコに、オメデタ発覚、旦那さんの転職&DC郊外に引越し。目が回る程次から次へとハプニングが… 気がついたら数ヶ月間は荷造り、掃除、片付けに追われてて記憶が曖昧。(汗)

As I said goodbye to my 20's, a series of events made me almost forget my birthday -- pregnancy, Beejay's job transfer, and moving back to Virginia... My memory is somewhat vague for a few months being super busy with packing, moving, apartment search, unpacking and cleaning.


By the time we left, we ended up staying in Kentucky for 7 years when we were initially going to stay up to 3 years. It was pretty sad to be faraway from the friends we met while we were there, but at the same time we are hoping to meet as many people as friends whom we had to say goodbye.

来年もいろいろイベント盛りだくさんで忙しい年になりそうな予感。そんなわけで、今年一年お付き合いいただきましたみなさま、ありがとうございました♪ 来年もどうぞよろしくおねがいします。

As the life-changing event awaits us in the year 2011, it will surely be a busy year. Everyone, thank you so much for your support and everything this year. Wishing you a wonderful new year!!


  1. 明けましておめでとうございます!!こっちに帰ってきたかな?また遊ぼうよ〜!!!楽しみに待ってま〜す(*^▽^*) 今年もどうぞよろしくね!

  2. ほんと、今年はめまぐるしい激動の一年だったね。来年はまた家族が増えて忙しくなるね。まぁでもふにゃふにゃ言ってミルク飲んでる赤ちゃんは、自分が慣れてないから大変さを感じるには感じたけど、今思えば超ラクチンだったかも(笑)楽しみにしてるよ〜!!早くうさぎちゃんに会いたいな。名前決まったら教えてね。


  3. Erina>>


  4. Sachi>>

    ハルくんも超楽しいじゃん。Bも時々「コーキ」を思い出してクスクスしてるよ〜(笑)お互い忙しい年になりそうだけど、がんばろ〜! 今年もよろしくね☆
