Because I was out and about for three nights in row, I caught cold on Sunday... (go figure...) Luckily I did not have fever. I tired to sleep it off since I cannot take any typical medication at the moment and that has helped a lot. Since this week has been a lot colder (snowing!), I'm just going to stay in for the most part.... ugh

We didn't realize that tickets were needed see the lighting of the National tree at White House... We only got to see it from faraway, but we go to see police with assault rifles right front of us. It was very intimidating,. at least to say.
下の写真は金曜日に花火があるというので、寒い中カメラ片手にNational Harborにお出かけ。短かったけど、奇麗だったしなんといってもクリスマスツリーが豪華!
We also went to see fireworks at the National Harbor on Friday night. Despite the cold weather, there were many people to see the fireworks and tree. It was pretty!

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