毎日ニュースを見るたびに胸が痛む。一瞬にして何もかも飲み込んで行った津波の怖さ。余震の続く中、次から次へと問題の出ている原発炉。(妹家族が栃木県に住んでいるので、内陸向きの風が心配…)日本はこの先どうなってしまうんだろうとの不安がこみ上げて来る… 日本にいる家族や友達、又は被災した方々に対してなにも出来ない自分が歯がゆい。
Praying and hoping for the best Japanese who were affected by this terrible disaster...
However it is nerve-wrecking to see those videos and photos pouring everyday from there, and it's very overwhelming to see tsunami that swallowed everything in no time. The tremors are still continue while the nuclear plants keep having scary problems one after other. (I am really scared and worried about my sister and her family who live in the adjacent prefecture to Fukushima. Just hoping that wind won't blow inland toward where there live...) Overwhelming concerns for Japan's future occupies my mind while I feel powerless and wish I could help out my family and friends as well as the disaster victims over there.
One of my friends who is nurse is supposedly sent out to the affected area to help out the victims. I envy her for having such useful skill to contribute. If I weren't pregnant, I almost want to go over there to help out, but for now only thing I can do is to donate.
For those who are planning to donate and help, here are some other organizations and methods, other than Red Cross. Every bit count!!
【赤十字以外の募金サイト • Other donation sites】
- Canpan Fields (Japanese NPO)
- Save the Children
- Non-Believers Giving Aid (scroll down the page for Japan earthquake relief)
- NGO Jen (in English and Japanese)
- International Medical Corps
- Association of Medical Doctors in Asia
- Donate via Paypal
- Donate lifesaving supplies via ShelterBox

仮に状況が落ち着いたとしても、復興までにはかなりの時間がかかるはず… 残念ながら今回の震災に直接関係のない人々は、時間が経つにつれメディアが取り上げない限り、いつかは震災のダメージの酷さやまだ援助の必要な被災者のことを忘れ始めるかもしれない。そうならないためにも、Tシャツなどは今回の震災を忘れず、復興するまで常に応援しつづけてもらうのには良いのかも。
Even if the situation calms down and things get under control (hopefully soon...), it will take a long time for the affected areas to recover. Unfortunately, the more time passes, the less media will cover. Then eventually people start to go on with their lives and pay less attentions to those who still need help. For the reasons, perhaps, these items are helpful to remind of this awful disaster and the affected people...
- 今なら日本へのSkypeが無料。To use Skype Access to Japan is free.
- 今月一杯AT&T, Verizon, Sprintを通じで日本への連絡が無料。Contact Japan for free via AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and more (update).
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