悲しいニュースも多い反面、日本人で良かった。日本人ってすごい、と嬉しくなるようなニュースも。友達に「よく他の国では災害時に暴動とかおきるけど、日本ではそんなことなくお互い助け合っててすごいね。」と言われたよ。嬉しかったし、誇らしかった… 日本のみんなはもちろんの事、海外にいる日本人も一丸になって、しっかり現実を受け止め少ない中にも出来る事を見つけて前進しようとしている姿勢がすごい。
さらに世界中の人々が募金したりして応援している姿を見ると、嬉しくなる。なんでも赤十字に集まった義援金は記録的とか…? 感謝の気持ちを忘れずに、こうしてみんなが助け合って前進するしかないんだよね。
Two weeks have past since the 9.0 M quake and tsunami hit and wiped out East side of Japan. It is still hard to digest what happened and what's still going on over here. I am still nervous to see news, especially about the unstable condition of the nuclear plant in Sendai, Japan.
What's going to happen? I really hope that the radiation will be soon under control, so everyone can focus 100% of rebuilding.
While there are overwhelming amount of sad news pours in, there are some good news which make me be proud and happy to be Japanese. A friend told me that he was impressed that there was no looting unlike some other countries, but instead everyone seems to help each others and trying to rebuild Japan together. Not only people in Japan, but people all over the world are trying to help those survivors and affected ones by doing something they can do and it's such an awesome thing to see.
Unfortunately, the damage is done. Now all we can do is to move forward by helping each others, even a small step forward is more important and meaningful while being thankful to others and what you have.
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