2/18/08: 書類郵送 UPS overnight to Chicago Lock box (I-130, I-485, I-765, I-864, G-325A)
2/19/08: USCISが書類受理
2/27/08: 小切手が引き落とされる
2/29/08: Notice of Action ( I-130, I-485, I-765)が届く
3/1/08: Biometricsの通知が届く (I-485 & I-765)
3/17/08: Biometrics @Cincinnati, OH
4/2/08: 面接の通知が届く
4/23/08: 労働許可書(EAD)の合格通知がemailで来る
4/29/08: EAD届く
5/13/08: 面接。無事合格。I-94を取られる。
5/13/08: I-130の合格通知が届く
6/22/08: 引越したのでネットで住所変更
6/24/08: InfoPassでローカルオフィスに予約
7/3/08: グリーンカードの生産通知(email)が来る
7/8/08: グリーンカードの生産通知(email)が来る(なぜか2通も)
7/11/08: welcome letter郵送に関するemail
7/12/08 (?) : welcome letterが届く
7/17/08: グリーンカードが届く
On July 17, Thursday, I finally got the green card in mail! YAY! I'm so relieved since getting here wasn't all that easy. After all I can finally relax.
2/18/08: Sent the package by UPS overnight to Chicago Lock box (I-130, I-485, I-765, I-864, G-325A)
2/19/08: USCIS received the package
2/27/08: Checks get cashed out
2/29/08: Received Notice of Action (I-797C) for I-130, I-485, I-765 in mail
3/1/08: Received Biometrics appointment for I-485 & I-765
3/17/08: Biometrics at Cincinnati, OH
4/2/08: Notice of Action for I-485 initial interview on 5/13/08
4/23/08: Received email notice that I-765 was approved and Card production ordered
4/29/08: Received EAD card in the mail
5/13/08: Initial interview for I-485 – Approved!
5/13/08: Received approval notice for I-130 in the mail
6/22/08: Changed address
6/24/08: InfoPass appointment at Louisville field office
7/3/08: Received email notice that they ordered a new card
7/8/08: Received email notice that they ordered a new card (got this twice somehow)
7/11/08: Received email notice that a welcome notice was mailed
7/12/08 (?) :Notice of Action for a welcome notice
7/17/08: Received Green Card in the mail