Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Holidays
しばらく休業中のブログですが、時間を見つけてはがんばって続けられたらと思ってます・・・ ここんとろこ忙し過ぎ〜 >_< 年末は実家に帰ります!って言っても日本じゃなくってバージニア。
I haven't updated the blog for awhile because of the lack of time... I will do my best to resume it soon. I'm going to Virginia for the holidays instead of Japan this year to visit my parents.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Daily Findings: Alphabet Project
A friend emailed me the link to Toxel.com this afternoon. Lara was in my design classes throughout the years... This brought me back the memory of dreading this project assigned to us. I guess I was just too lazy at that time and didn't want to look around for alphabets in the nature.
Funny thing is that now I am working as a designer in the real world, and I have more appreciation for this type of creative project, I was thinking about looking for alphabets again... then I got an email from Lara. Craziness!
personal trend /夢中なこと
最近、写真に興味が… 特にデジカメは現像しなくて済むから楽。とりあえず、デジタルで練習してある程度上手になったらフィルムに移ろうかなあ。…ケチです。ハイ。
Lately I've been taking photos more often. It's fascinating to see things through the viewfinder and capture things majority of people won't notice. Also the digital camera is nice since I don't have to develop films... My goal is to practice with the digital then move back to the 35 mm eventually. There is something attractive about the film... maybe because I won't be tempted to edit them too much...
Here's my latest purchase... VQ1005. It's a key chain toy camera. Since I saw the photos taken by this particular camera on Flickr, I've been wanting one. I really like that "Lo-Fi" look of the photos.
Lately I've been taking photos more often. It's fascinating to see things through the viewfinder and capture things majority of people won't notice. Also the digital camera is nice since I don't have to develop films... My goal is to practice with the digital then move back to the 35 mm eventually. There is something attractive about the film... maybe because I won't be tempted to edit them too much...
Here's my latest purchase... VQ1005. It's a key chain toy camera. Since I saw the photos taken by this particular camera on Flickr, I've been wanting one. I really like that "Lo-Fi" look of the photos.
Daily Findings: Skull-A-Day
A book by Noah Scalin of Another Limited Rebellion has been published recently. Pretty awesome! Congraturation, Noah!
I took the class by Noah, called Socially Conscious Design, when was the student at Virginia Commonwealth University. Noah's work has been very inspirational to me...
I took the class by Noah, called Socially Conscious Design, when was the student at Virginia Commonwealth University. Noah's work has been very inspirational to me...
Monday, September 29, 2008
bebeh Haru / ハルくん
After having lunch with Mickey in Lexington, I stopped by at a friend's house who just had their baby boy about a month ago. I have met Haru a week after he was born, but I was very surprised to see how fast he has grown in the past three weeks!
Baby Haru sleeps so well, but once he was awake he was so busy changing his expressions every five seconds! So cute and funny...
I thought the camera freaked him out... It turns out that his diaper needed to be changed.
お母さんと一緒、はいチーズ。with his mammy. cheese.
After having lunch with Mickey in Lexington, I stopped by at a friend's house who just had their baby boy about a month ago. I have met Haru a week after he was born, but I was very surprised to see how fast he has grown in the past three weeks!
Baby Haru sleeps so well, but once he was awake he was so busy changing his expressions every five seconds! So cute and funny...
I thought the camera freaked him out... It turns out that his diaper needed to be changed.
お母さんと一緒、はいチーズ。with his mammy. cheese.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
after Ike passed / 台風アイクの被害
電気が復旧して一週間。電気が無いときのほうがキャンプみたくって、のんびりしてて悪くなかったかも・・・? でもさすがに1週間の停電には参った!冷蔵庫の中の物すべてゴミ箱行き。仕事も自宅勤務なのでつらかった。
It's been about a week since the power came back after the hurricane Ike passed through Louisville. It was nice to get to go to bed once it got dark, but throwing everything out from the refrigerator wasn't great nor the work situation with the computer... It wasn't easy to spend the entire week without power for sure.
倒れそうな感じの電柱。a power pole was bearing standing...
アパートの前。外に出たら木の枝が山積みに・・・ After things got calm down, this is the first thing I saw outside of my apt..
お隣りさんの庭もこんな風に。The yard of the next door neighbor...
It's been about a week since the power came back after the hurricane Ike passed through Louisville. It was nice to get to go to bed once it got dark, but throwing everything out from the refrigerator wasn't great nor the work situation with the computer... It wasn't easy to spend the entire week without power for sure.
倒れそうな感じの電柱。a power pole was bearing standing...
アパートの前。外に出たら木の枝が山積みに・・・ After things got calm down, this is the first thing I saw outside of my apt..
お隣りさんの庭もこんな風に。The yard of the next door neighbor...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Invasion of the Japanese monster / 「どーも」なハローウィーン
今日偶然ターゲットに買い物に行くと、ハローウィーンのものが☆ 毎年カワイイデザインが楽しみのターゲットのハロウィーン。今年はなんとNHKのどーもくんがいた!これには驚き (*゚ロ゚)ハッ!!
This year, the Halloween at Target was invaded by the Japanese monster, Domo!! How cute!! They even have Domo piñatas!! It was funny to hear American kids saying "hey! Domo piñata!! I want one!!!"
あまりの可愛さに買ってしまったよー 本当は甥っ子たちへのギフトのつもりが・・・写真を撮りたくて包装を取ってしまう(バカ・・・)ビージェイからは「あげるはずだったのに〜!」の非難ごうごう。また買いに行けばいいじゃん!!
Initial intention was to give them to nephews... Well they were too cute and I couldn't resit the urge to take pictures of them. When Beejay found out about that the chocolates were unwrapped for the photo shoot, only thing I could say to him was "well, we can buy more for them..." Sorry Brandon and Ryan...
This year, the Halloween at Target was invaded by the Japanese monster, Domo!! How cute!! They even have Domo piñatas!! It was funny to hear American kids saying "hey! Domo piñata!! I want one!!!"
あまりの可愛さに買ってしまったよー 本当は甥っ子たちへのギフトのつもりが・・・写真を撮りたくて包装を取ってしまう(バカ・・・)ビージェイからは「あげるはずだったのに〜!」の非難ごうごう。また買いに行けばいいじゃん!!
Initial intention was to give them to nephews... Well they were too cute and I couldn't resit the urge to take pictures of them. When Beejay found out about that the chocolates were unwrapped for the photo shoot, only thing I could say to him was "well, we can buy more for them..." Sorry Brandon and Ryan...
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
cooking red bean rice with Le Crusest / ル・クルーゼでお赤飯
問題は材料。お赤飯ってずーっと小豆で作る物だと思ってました(苦笑)ネットでレシピを見て初めて「ささげ」というマメを使うのが分かったのは良い物の、アメリカで売っているの?と心配に… 英語ではred cowpeaとよばれるらしいんだけど、どこで売っているのか不明。とりあえず韓国食品店に行ってみる。「ささげ」として売っているマメはなかったけど、それっぽい「紅豆」というものを購入。
My mom bought me a Le Cruset pot for my birthday. I've decided to cook osekihan (red bean rice for celebration as red and white are color for cerebration) with my new pot for a friend who just had a baby about a week ago.
So this being my first time cooking this dish, I wasn't sure if I'll be able to get the right ingredients. Supposedly I needed to use red cowpeas (direct translation from Japanese)... Where am I supposed to get it???? ...well at a Korean grocery store here in Louisville, I didn't see "red cowpeas" but found something very similar. So these are the main ingredients.
ル・クルーゼのHPで見つけたお赤飯のレシピではなぜか上手くかない...火力の違い?オーバルじゃなくってマル型にすれば良かったか?どうしても炊きムラが... 試行錯誤の結果、完璧とまではいえないけどお赤飯がおいしくたけたよ♪
After researching for the right recipe and trying things out, I did it!! Although it's not "perfect", it was certainly yummy. :D
Also I cooked Japanese style fried chicken.
問題は材料。お赤飯ってずーっと小豆で作る物だと思ってました(苦笑)ネットでレシピを見て初めて「ささげ」というマメを使うのが分かったのは良い物の、アメリカで売っているの?と心配に… 英語ではred cowpeaとよばれるらしいんだけど、どこで売っているのか不明。とりあえず韓国食品店に行ってみる。「ささげ」として売っているマメはなかったけど、それっぽい「紅豆」というものを購入。
My mom bought me a Le Cruset pot for my birthday. I've decided to cook osekihan (red bean rice for celebration as red and white are color for cerebration) with my new pot for a friend who just had a baby about a week ago.
So this being my first time cooking this dish, I wasn't sure if I'll be able to get the right ingredients. Supposedly I needed to use red cowpeas (direct translation from Japanese)... Where am I supposed to get it???? ...well at a Korean grocery store here in Louisville, I didn't see "red cowpeas" but found something very similar. So these are the main ingredients.
ル・クルーゼのHPで見つけたお赤飯のレシピではなぜか上手くかない...火力の違い?オーバルじゃなくってマル型にすれば良かったか?どうしても炊きムラが... 試行錯誤の結果、完璧とまではいえないけどお赤飯がおいしくたけたよ♪
After researching for the right recipe and trying things out, I did it!! Although it's not "perfect", it was certainly yummy. :D
Also I cooked Japanese style fried chicken.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
ラッキー♪/Lucky Me
{Poraloid SX-70 from 70's}
POLASTYLE.COMに掲載されていた、このカメラで撮った写真に魅了されて以来、気になっていたSX-70.偶然にも亜試しに行ったフレアマーケットのようなお店で、低価格で発見! 嬉しさのあまりに「あっ〜!」と言ったのみで、声が出てこなかった… ちゃんと使えるけど、試し取りしていたらフィルムがきれてしまったので、買いにいかなくてわっ。…生産中止になってしまったポラロイド。まだ売っているといいなあ〜
This was something I've been wanting for a while. Not only it's authentically neat and nicely designed, I have seen photos with amazing color palette taken by this model on this site. I snagged this vintage camera at Tickled Pink which I read about on one of the local weekly paper. Lately I haven't been a big fan of thrift store shopping for various reasons. But this store was a lot different from any other ones. It was more like a vintage/second-hand store, I guess. I'm pretty sure that I will go back there occasionally to see if they got something neat like this Polaroid.
The camera is in excellent working condition, but I just ran out of the films... argh! Which reminds me and makes me sad that Poraloid is no longer producing the films. What a shame!
{Bastardino the Cactus Friend, by Tokidoki}
しばらく欲しがっていたコレ。地元のレコード店で偶然にも発見!いい歳しておもちゃ買って・・・ まだまだ成長してないなぁ〜
It was a rare finding at the local music store, Ear X-tacy. I have been contemplating whether to get this particular one from an online store for a little while, but didn't feel like paying for S&H.
I'm still buying toys at this age. I guess I've never grown up...
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Bell of Louisville
(photo: Bell of Louisville. This is the one we rode)
This was over a month ago... I got to ride on the steamboat for the first time. The trip was about 2 hours on Ohio river. It was a lot of fun. Thanks to Beejay's co-workers who kindly invited us to join them!
Water came down like rain after the steam got cool down in the air when we were out on the deck.
カゲロウって初めて見たよー。バッタの一種と勘違い… いっぱい飛んでた。これはビージェイの肩に止まったのをパチリ。
It was a Mayfly which I found it out later. There were many of them flying around on the river. This dude was brave enough to land on Beejay's shoulder. Of course, Beejay was freaking out a little... funny...
蒸気船と同化してしまった哀れなカゲロウも… ち〜ん
One unlucky Mayfly turned blue.
蒸気船からの夕焼け。きれー。beautiful sunset from the boat.
Friday, July 25, 2008
引越し後1ヶ月/1 month after moving
引越してから2日目の朝、アパート前に路駐しておいたマイカーの無惨な姿… 夜中に引っ掛けられたらしく、非常識にも犯人は当て逃げした模様… 被害は$3、200(約35万円)相当!保険でほぼカバーされたから良かったけど、酷過ぎ!!!
This is what we found out at 2nd morning in Old Louisville. My car was parked on the street and someone sideswiped the car at night without leaving a note. It was $3,200 worth of damage. I was lucky that the insurance covered most part and I just had to pay the deductible. It was still devastating!!!
韓国製のキンチョウマット(蚊取り線香)。韓国人経営のスーパーで、絵をみて購入… 新しいトコはヤブ蚊が多い〜
Korean mosquito repellent mats which I found at an Asian grocery store. There a lots of huge mosquitoes and I have been bitten everyday whenever I go outside. :(
Independence Day weekend, a friend of Beejay had a bon fire at his yard. While we were out there, neighbors were busy firing up the leftover fireworks from the day before.
新しいアパートはフロアリングのたね、滑るので走れ回れず不機嫌なコーディー。Unhappy Cody who cannot run around because of the hardwood floor at the new apt.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
[GC] 終了/The End
2/18/08: 書類郵送 UPS overnight to Chicago Lock box (I-130, I-485, I-765, I-864, G-325A)
2/19/08: USCISが書類受理
2/27/08: 小切手が引き落とされる
2/29/08: Notice of Action ( I-130, I-485, I-765)が届く
3/1/08: Biometricsの通知が届く (I-485 & I-765)
3/17/08: Biometrics @Cincinnati, OH
4/2/08: 面接の通知が届く
4/23/08: 労働許可書(EAD)の合格通知がemailで来る
4/29/08: EAD届く
5/13/08: 面接。無事合格。I-94を取られる。
5/13/08: I-130の合格通知が届く
6/22/08: 引越したのでネットで住所変更
6/24/08: InfoPassでローカルオフィスに予約
7/3/08: グリーンカードの生産通知(email)が来る
7/8/08: グリーンカードの生産通知(email)が来る(なぜか2通も)
7/11/08: welcome letter郵送に関するemail
7/12/08 (?) : welcome letterが届く
7/17/08: グリーンカードが届く
On July 17, Thursday, I finally got the green card in mail! YAY! I'm so relieved since getting here wasn't all that easy. After all I can finally relax.
2/18/08: Sent the package by UPS overnight to Chicago Lock box (I-130, I-485, I-765, I-864, G-325A)
2/19/08: USCIS received the package
2/27/08: Checks get cashed out
2/29/08: Received Notice of Action (I-797C) for I-130, I-485, I-765 in mail
3/1/08: Received Biometrics appointment for I-485 & I-765
3/17/08: Biometrics at Cincinnati, OH
4/2/08: Notice of Action for I-485 initial interview on 5/13/08
4/23/08: Received email notice that I-765 was approved and Card production ordered
4/29/08: Received EAD card in the mail
5/13/08: Initial interview for I-485 – Approved!
5/13/08: Received approval notice for I-130 in the mail
6/22/08: Changed address
6/24/08: InfoPass appointment at Louisville field office
7/3/08: Received email notice that they ordered a new card
7/8/08: Received email notice that they ordered a new card (got this twice somehow)
7/11/08: Received email notice that a welcome notice was mailed
7/12/08 (?) :Notice of Action for a welcome notice
7/17/08: Received Green Card in the mail
2/18/08: 書類郵送 UPS overnight to Chicago Lock box (I-130, I-485, I-765, I-864, G-325A)
2/19/08: USCISが書類受理
2/27/08: 小切手が引き落とされる
2/29/08: Notice of Action ( I-130, I-485, I-765)が届く
3/1/08: Biometricsの通知が届く (I-485 & I-765)
3/17/08: Biometrics @Cincinnati, OH
4/2/08: 面接の通知が届く
4/23/08: 労働許可書(EAD)の合格通知がemailで来る
4/29/08: EAD届く
5/13/08: 面接。無事合格。I-94を取られる。
5/13/08: I-130の合格通知が届く
6/22/08: 引越したのでネットで住所変更
6/24/08: InfoPassでローカルオフィスに予約
7/3/08: グリーンカードの生産通知(email)が来る
7/8/08: グリーンカードの生産通知(email)が来る(なぜか2通も)
7/11/08: welcome letter郵送に関するemail
7/12/08 (?) : welcome letterが届く
7/17/08: グリーンカードが届く
On July 17, Thursday, I finally got the green card in mail! YAY! I'm so relieved since getting here wasn't all that easy. After all I can finally relax.
2/18/08: Sent the package by UPS overnight to Chicago Lock box (I-130, I-485, I-765, I-864, G-325A)
2/19/08: USCIS received the package
2/27/08: Checks get cashed out
2/29/08: Received Notice of Action (I-797C) for I-130, I-485, I-765 in mail
3/1/08: Received Biometrics appointment for I-485 & I-765
3/17/08: Biometrics at Cincinnati, OH
4/2/08: Notice of Action for I-485 initial interview on 5/13/08
4/23/08: Received email notice that I-765 was approved and Card production ordered
4/29/08: Received EAD card in the mail
5/13/08: Initial interview for I-485 – Approved!
5/13/08: Received approval notice for I-130 in the mail
6/22/08: Changed address
6/24/08: InfoPass appointment at Louisville field office
7/3/08: Received email notice that they ordered a new card
7/8/08: Received email notice that they ordered a new card (got this twice somehow)
7/11/08: Received email notice that a welcome notice was mailed
7/12/08 (?) :Notice of Action for a welcome notice
7/17/08: Received Green Card in the mail
Monday, July 14, 2008
[GC]その後.../progress report
5月13日に面接が無事終わったのにも関わらず、未だに永住権が届いていません。でも上手くいけば今週か来週ごろに届くかな?一応、先週Welcome Letterが届いたし、メールでグリーンカードの生産注文に関する連絡が来たから・・・
全て順調に行っていたら6月末の引越し前には届いてたはずのグリーンカード。遅れた理由はイミグレ側の手落ちが原因。合格したのにも関わらず、面接後に面接官がパソコンに私のステータスの更新をするのを忘れたらしい?!普通だったら考えられない!!これはわざわざ面接のあったルイビルの事務所に出向いた際に、初めて分かった事。もしこれで私が行動に出なかったら、どういう事になっていたのだろう・・・ さすがアメリカとしか言い様が無いような。ちゃんと仕事してよー!
I don't have the green card just yet. Hoping to get it in the mail pretty soon.
Why it is taking this long? Here's why...
Despite my expectation to receive the green card shortly after the interview, the card had never showed up before moving to Louisville. I was quite puzzled since the officer at the interview on May 13th, told me that the application was perfect and I was approved. Also it looked like many people who were in the similar situation get their cards just in a few weeks.
Attempt to figure out the situation by calling to USCIS lead me to nowhere. They weren't too reliable; some of what they told me were inaccurate (I did my research!!).
What's even worse is that the reason why I didn't get my green card within 60 days after the interview -- THEY FORGOT TO DO THEIR JOB. They simply forgot to input the approval into the system. Nobody didn't realized this until I showed up to the Louisville local office asking about my status.
全て順調に行っていたら6月末の引越し前には届いてたはずのグリーンカード。遅れた理由はイミグレ側の手落ちが原因。合格したのにも関わらず、面接後に面接官がパソコンに私のステータスの更新をするのを忘れたらしい?!普通だったら考えられない!!これはわざわざ面接のあったルイビルの事務所に出向いた際に、初めて分かった事。もしこれで私が行動に出なかったら、どういう事になっていたのだろう・・・ さすがアメリカとしか言い様が無いような。ちゃんと仕事してよー!
I don't have the green card just yet. Hoping to get it in the mail pretty soon.
Why it is taking this long? Here's why...
Despite my expectation to receive the green card shortly after the interview, the card had never showed up before moving to Louisville. I was quite puzzled since the officer at the interview on May 13th, told me that the application was perfect and I was approved. Also it looked like many people who were in the similar situation get their cards just in a few weeks.
Attempt to figure out the situation by calling to USCIS lead me to nowhere. They weren't too reliable; some of what they told me were inaccurate (I did my research!!).
What's even worse is that the reason why I didn't get my green card within 60 days after the interview -- THEY FORGOT TO DO THEIR JOB. They simply forgot to input the approval into the system. Nobody didn't realized this until I showed up to the Louisville local office asking about my status.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
朝コーヒー/morning coffee
引越し1週間前ほどに、コーヒーメーカーの容器を誤って落として割ってしまった私。毎朝飲んでいたのにそれ以来飲んでない!?。おまけにネットで注文した容器が一向に届かない?? 引越してきた翌日の日曜の朝、無性にコーヒーが飲みたくなり、近所のカフェまで散歩。向かったのはアパート探し中に見かけたオールド・ルイビル・コーヒーハウス。
About a week before the move, I accidentally dropped the decanter. Since then, we have been going through the days without any caffeine! To make the matter worse, the replacement I ordered hasn't been delivered somehow! YIKES...
On the Sunday morning, being desperate for a cup of coffee, we headed out to the Old Louisville Coffeehouse in the neighborhood.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
オールド・ルイビル/Old Louisville
I don't want to move for a least next 10 years! I'm done with moving!! We finally moved in to Old Louisville this past Saturday. We were already surprised how nice our neighbor is. Beth from the 1st floor greeted us with homemade chocolate chip cookies right after everything was moved into the apt around 9pm. That was very sweet of her, literally...
ちなみに9時半には来るはずだった引越し屋さんは、トレーラーを見つけるのに手間取ったため11時半にレキシントンのアパートに来る。予想してたより荷物が多かったらしく、全てをトレーラーに乗せるのに手こずり、結局ルイビルに向かったのが3時半・・・ 実際に大した荷物運びをしなかったにも関わらず疲れたあ〜
The mover was supposed to show up by 9:30a, but because they had an issue with a tailor, they showed up around 11:30a. Turned out we had way more stuff than they expected, they had a bit of problems loading everything... By the time we were able to head out to Louisville, it was 3:30p. Yikes!!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
新居/new place
On the Saturday, we went up to Louisville to get the keys to our new place! yay! Even though it was such a hot day, in 90F, the inside of the apartment was actually pretty cool because of trees surrounding the building. It looks like we might be able to save on electricity this summer??
The living room has huge windows that filled the room with natural light. Hoping to put my desk in this room to work...
キッチンが広いのがこのアパートに決めた第一理由。しかもガスコンロ。嬉しいなあ〜 がんばってもっと自炊しないとなあ...
The larger kitchen was one of the reason we liked this apartment. The fact it is gas stove is even better! I guess I should cook a little more often...
Unfortunately, this huge master bedroom lacks in closets. We still got to figure something out for our clothes and shoes...
おまけにトイレ。バスタブがレトロ。ちょっと使いづらいのが欠点 >_<
The retro bath tab has legs. It's cute but bit awkward to use...
On the Saturday, we went up to Louisville to get the keys to our new place! yay! Even though it was such a hot day, in 90F, the inside of the apartment was actually pretty cool because of trees surrounding the building. It looks like we might be able to save on electricity this summer??
The living room has huge windows that filled the room with natural light. Hoping to put my desk in this room to work...
キッチンが広いのがこのアパートに決めた第一理由。しかもガスコンロ。嬉しいなあ〜 がんばってもっと自炊しないとなあ...
The larger kitchen was one of the reason we liked this apartment. The fact it is gas stove is even better! I guess I should cook a little more often...
Unfortunately, this huge master bedroom lacks in closets. We still got to figure something out for our clothes and shoes...
おまけにトイレ。バスタブがレトロ。ちょっと使いづらいのが欠点 >_<
The retro bath tab has legs. It's cute but bit awkward to use...
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
プロジェクトの副産物/by-product of a project
I ended up reusing images I had to create for a project to these images. Take a guess which image is actually based on me. It should be very easy.
::HINT:: I'm the only Asian in the office :-)
If you don't get why these people are saying these things, no worries. This is totally an inside-joke at work...
【ヒント】アメリカの典型的な中華料理店のサイン (img 1, img 2) + 職場では私は唯一の東洋人 = ?
Sunday, June 01, 2008
今週の写真/random photos of the week
The mystery machine from Scooby Doo was spotted out at an upholstery shop next to the office. Unfortunately it didn't seem like Scooby was inside of the van...
Thistles were founded near the office parking lot. They looked crazy.
アザミの花の写真 more photos of thistles >>>
Thursday, May 29, 2008
気まぐれ制作/random work
Because I've been bombarded with production work lately, I've put together this poster trying to stay creative. Corporate design is not that fun. That thought has been on my mind lately... If you like to have the PDF version of the poster, please contact me ;-)
**使ったフリー素材/royalty free images I used**
Neubau Welt
Monday, May 26, 2008
新発見/new discovery
メモリアルデイの週末は今年初めての連休です☆ 日本と違って1年の前半は祝日が5月下旬までないからホント辛い! 希望に反して旅行には行けなかったものの、レキシントン脱出には成功。新しいアパートの契約のため、土曜日はルイビルに。契約手続き後、適当に見つけた近所のカフェに。これが結構ファンキーで◎
Finally it's the first three-day-weekend of the year, Memorial Day weekend. It's so tough since there is no holiday until the end of May... Even though we couldn't go on a road-trip, we were able go out of town. On Saturday, we headed out to Louisville for signing a lease for a new place. After sining the lease, we ended up at this funky local cafe in the neighborhood.
The tablecloth were intentionally tacky ones. We were liking the place once we stepped inside. The place had lots of vegan-friendly items on the menu, and I ordered a black bean burger. Beejay picked a jerk pork sandwich. They were very tasty! I think it was the best black bean burger I've ever had!! I'm so glad we are going to live in downtown since most likely there will be more locally owned places unlike in suburb.
Finally it's the first three-day-weekend of the year, Memorial Day weekend. It's so tough since there is no holiday until the end of May... Even though we couldn't go on a road-trip, we were able go out of town. On Saturday, we headed out to Louisville for signing a lease for a new place. After sining the lease, we ended up at this funky local cafe in the neighborhood.
The tablecloth were intentionally tacky ones. We were liking the place once we stepped inside. The place had lots of vegan-friendly items on the menu, and I ordered a black bean burger. Beejay picked a jerk pork sandwich. They were very tasty! I think it was the best black bean burger I've ever had!! I'm so glad we are going to live in downtown since most likely there will be more locally owned places unlike in suburb.
打ちっぱなし/golf range
I've decided to give golf a try because of Beejay's recommendation. Kentucky has a lot of golf ranges and courses--might as well try it while we are still stuck here. Also my parents have mentioned their interest in playing golf. So I thought it might be a nice stress-reliever.
思案の結果、バラで買うよりは安いので中古のセットを購入〜 運ぶのが楽なのでバッグもついでにゲットし打ちっぱなしに行ってきました。超初心者な私・・・ ゴルフ合わなかったらどうしようと不安だったんだけど、ボールに当たりさえすれば結構快適〜 天気も良くって気持ちよかったです :0)
I've purchased a used-set since it's cheaper than getting them individually. Also I got a bag for easy carrying. I was nervous if I don't like it at all, but so far I like it as long as I can hit balls. I know it sounds silly but it's hard to actually hit a ball. Also it was nice to be outside!
I've decided to give golf a try because of Beejay's recommendation. Kentucky has a lot of golf ranges and courses--might as well try it while we are still stuck here. Also my parents have mentioned their interest in playing golf. So I thought it might be a nice stress-reliever.
思案の結果、バラで買うよりは安いので中古のセットを購入〜 運ぶのが楽なのでバッグもついでにゲットし打ちっぱなしに行ってきました。超初心者な私・・・ ゴルフ合わなかったらどうしようと不安だったんだけど、ボールに当たりさえすれば結構快適〜 天気も良くって気持ちよかったです :0)
I've purchased a used-set since it's cheaper than getting them individually. Also I got a bag for easy carrying. I was nervous if I don't like it at all, but so far I like it as long as I can hit balls. I know it sounds silly but it's hard to actually hit a ball. Also it was nice to be outside!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
[GC] 最終面接/interview pt.2
:: 永住権申請の書類 ::
:: I-94 ::
:: オリジナル/原本 ::
「いいやもう一枚あるし」との軽い気持ちで送った戸籍謄本の原本。「原本は送らないで。コピー撮ったし原本が必要な場合は連絡するから。」と返された・・・ でもmarriage license は原本にも関わらずキープ。印(ノータリー)がされていたから??【教訓】書いてある指示にしたがいましょう。(←当たり前すぎ?)確かに原本は送る必要なしと説明文が買いあった。
:: 写真 ::
「写真持ってきたけど」というと「見なくてい」と言われる。最近はプロによるフォトショップなどで作られた合成写真があるため写真よりも双方の名前が乗っている書類の方がいいんだって。提出された写真が合成か確かめるために専門家に分析してもったケースもあるんだよと、教えてくれました。いやぁ〜 $2,000とか払ってまでそういう事する人たちがいると知ってオドロキ(*°ρ°)!! でもこの日のためにわざわざデジカメで撮った物を現像し、アルバムにまで入れて持ってきたのに〜 ちえっ・・・
:: 追加書類 ::
:: ソーシャルセキュリティーカード ::
SSカードを持ってきか聞かれたので「通知には書いてなかったので持ってきてない」と返答。H-1Bからの変更なので現在のカードにはなんて書いてあるか確認したかった様子。「労働可能 valid for employmentって書いてある?」と聞かれる。それだけで、特に問題にはならなかったけどこれにはちょっと焦った。
:: 受けた注意事項 ::
:: 引越し ::
:: 永住権申請の書類 ::
:: I-94 ::
:: オリジナル/原本 ::
「いいやもう一枚あるし」との軽い気持ちで送った戸籍謄本の原本。「原本は送らないで。コピー撮ったし原本が必要な場合は連絡するから。」と返された・・・ でもmarriage license は原本にも関わらずキープ。印(ノータリー)がされていたから??【教訓】書いてある指示にしたがいましょう。(←当たり前すぎ?)確かに原本は送る必要なしと説明文が買いあった。
:: 写真 ::
「写真持ってきたけど」というと「見なくてい」と言われる。最近はプロによるフォトショップなどで作られた合成写真があるため写真よりも双方の名前が乗っている書類の方がいいんだって。提出された写真が合成か確かめるために専門家に分析してもったケースもあるんだよと、教えてくれました。いやぁ〜 $2,000とか払ってまでそういう事する人たちがいると知ってオドロキ(*°ρ°)!! でもこの日のためにわざわざデジカメで撮った物を現像し、アルバムにまで入れて持ってきたのに〜 ちえっ・・・
:: 追加書類 ::
:: ソーシャルセキュリティーカード ::
SSカードを持ってきか聞かれたので「通知には書いてなかったので持ってきてない」と返答。H-1Bからの変更なので現在のカードにはなんて書いてあるか確認したかった様子。「労働可能 valid for employmentって書いてある?」と聞かれる。それだけで、特に問題にはならなかったけどこれにはちょっと焦った。
:: 受けた注意事項 ::
:: 引越し ::
[GC] 最終面接/interview pt.1
9時15分過ぎに中年男性の面接官に名前を呼ばれ、2人でオフィスの中に。ガラス張りの部屋が何個かあり、面接官の部屋に通される。座る前に立ったまま右手を上げるよう指示され偽りのない返答をする旨を誓わされる。私のパスポートからI-94を没収した後、パスポートを返してくれる。「2人も免許だして。あと労働許可書(EAD)を持っていたら提出してください。」EDAを出すと「H1-Bビザを持っているのに?」とちょっとあきれた様子。「念のために」との私の返答に苦笑いを・・・ 始めちょっと怖そうな人だなと思ってたので、この反応で私の緊張はちょっと解ける。
9時15分過ぎに中年男性の面接官に名前を呼ばれ、2人でオフィスの中に。ガラス張りの部屋が何個かあり、面接官の部屋に通される。座る前に立ったまま右手を上げるよう指示され偽りのない返答をする旨を誓わされる。私のパスポートからI-94を没収した後、パスポートを返してくれる。「2人も免許だして。あと労働許可書(EAD)を持っていたら提出してください。」EDAを出すと「H1-Bビザを持っているのに?」とちょっとあきれた様子。「念のために」との私の返答に苦笑いを・・・ 始めちょっと怖そうな人だなと思ってたので、この反応で私の緊張はちょっと解ける。
Sunday, May 11, 2008
料理日/cooking Sunday
友達とIHOPでの朝食後、韓国食品店ソウルでいろいろと買ってきましたー。先週に赤血球が足りないと健康診断で判明。鉄分を取るように注意されたばかりなので、鉄分の多い料理が気になる今日この頃。大豆とひじきの煮物が作りたいけど、大豆の水煮缶が見つからない・・・ 仕方なく乾燥大豆を使ってチャレンジする事に!
After Sunday breakfast at IHOP with friends, we shopped at Seoul, a Korean grocery store. Because I found out I should take more iron in my diet after the health exam the last week, I've been conscious about diet high in iron. However I couldn't find a can of soy beans I need for a dish I was planning to prepare, I've decided to the dry beans which I've never done with soy beans.
I have to soak the bean for about 24 hours before I use for cooking, so I have to wait until tomorrow for cooking. Hope it goes well~!!
こちらはソウルで買ったカボチャ。季節外れなのを考えずに買ったのが失敗の素だったよ〜 ( ̄Д ̄;)
こっちで手に入るのはカボチャはなぜか日本売っているのより水っぽい。切っている最中に「なんか白っぽくってヤバいかな〜?」との予想が的中。煮物にしたのに変に水っぽくって全くホカホカしてなく、なかりマズい!というか救いようがないほどマズくって、今回は胃袋ではなくゴミ箱行きにという結末・・・ 過去45分を返せ〜
I've also got a kabocha (Japanese winter squash) from the same store. I should have known that it's off season for this squash. Kabochas that are available in the States are often a little watery than the ones you can get in Japan for whatever reasons. Well, I had a bad feeling while I was cutting it up, and my suspicion was correct... It was TOO watery and tasted terrible! This dish ended up going to a trash can instead of our stomach tonight... Give me back my 45 minutes!!!! :-<
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