Thursday, June 26, 2008

朝コーヒー/morning coffee

引越し1週間前ほどに、コーヒーメーカーの容器を誤って落として割ってしまった私。毎朝飲んでいたのにそれ以来飲んでない!?。おまけにネットで注文した容器が一向に届かない?? 引越してきた翌日の日曜の朝、無性にコーヒーが飲みたくなり、近所のカフェまで散歩。向かったのはアパート探し中に見かけたオールド・ルイビル・コーヒーハウス

About a week before the move, I accidentally dropped the decanter. Since then, we have been going through the days without any caffeine! To make the matter worse, the replacement I ordered hasn't been delivered somehow! YIKES...

On the Sunday morning, being desperate for a cup of coffee, we headed out to the Old Louisville Coffeehouse in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

オールド・ルイビル/Old Louisville


I don't want to move for a least next 10 years! I'm done with moving!! We finally moved in to Old Louisville this past Saturday. We were already surprised how nice our neighbor is. Beth from the 1st floor greeted us with homemade chocolate chip cookies right after everything was moved into the apt around 9pm. That was very sweet of her, literally...

ちなみに9時半には来るはずだった引越し屋さんは、トレーラーを見つけるのに手間取ったため11時半にレキシントンのアパートに来る。予想してたより荷物が多かったらしく、全てをトレーラーに乗せるのに手こずり、結局ルイビルに向かったのが3時半・・・ 実際に大した荷物運びをしなかったにも関わらず疲れたあ〜

The mover was supposed to show up by 9:30a, but because they had an issue with a tailor, they showed up around 11:30a. Turned out we had way more stuff than they expected, they had a bit of problems loading everything... By the time we were able to head out to Louisville, it was 3:30p. Yikes!!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

新居/new place

On the Saturday, we went up to Louisville to get the keys to our new place! yay! Even though it was such a hot day, in 90F, the inside of the apartment was actually pretty cool because of trees surrounding the building. It looks like we might be able to save on electricity this summer??

The living room has huge windows that filled the room with natural light. Hoping to put my desk in this room to work...

キッチンが広いのがこのアパートに決めた第一理由。しかもガスコンロ。嬉しいなあ〜 がんばってもっと自炊しないとなあ...
The larger kitchen was one of the reason we liked this apartment. The fact it is gas stove is even better! I guess I should cook a little more often...

Unfortunately, this huge master bedroom lacks in closets. We still got to figure something out for our clothes and shoes...

おまけにトイレ。バスタブがレトロ。ちょっと使いづらいのが欠点 >_<
The retro bath tab has legs. It's cute but bit awkward to use...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

プロジェクトの副産物/by-product of a project

I ended up reusing images I had to create for a project to these images. Take a guess which image is actually based on me. It should be very easy.

::HINT:: I'm the only Asian in the office :-)

If you don't get why these people are saying these things, no worries. This is totally an inside-joke at work...

【ヒント】アメリカの典型的な中華料理店のサイン (img 1, img 2) + 職場では私は唯一の東洋人 = ?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

今週の写真/random photos of the week


The mystery machine from Scooby Doo was spotted out at an upholstery shop next to the office. Unfortunately it didn't seem like Scooby was inside of the van...


Thistles were founded near the office parking lot. They looked crazy.

アザミの花の写真 more photos of thistles >>>