Tuesday, December 18, 2012

試練の始まり Tougher beginning

 日中一人で子供達の面倒を見始めて早くも丸二週間。目が回る程忙しい~!! 特に最初の週が試されているのかと思ったほど大変だった… 何が大変だったかって、水曜日はイキナリ朝から水が出なく15時間もの断水!!さらに金曜から翌週の月曜までアカリがお腹の風邪だったのか嘔吐に下痢…幸い熱はなく先週は大事をとってずっと篭ってました… はぁ〜 ただでさえノンストップの育児と家事プラス寝不足でドタバタなのに、断水と体調不良のおまけ付きになるとは思ってなかった…

予想外のイベントで思ったより大変だったけれど、親切な友達のご飯の差し入れに助けられ、どうにか乗り切ったぞ~!! しかし年子の育児って体力と忍耐力の勝負だね… 決まって2人揃って同時に何かしら要求があるんだもん。ゆっくり一息入れる暇さえないよ… あぁ、この週を乗り切れば、旦那が一週間休み! うれし〜☆

So could the past few weeks get any harder than it should had been?! It wasn't fair that all those things happened on the very first week of taking care of little ones alone... I felt like i was being tested. Things were going better than I expected until Wednesday. All day Wednesday we didn't have running water until almost 11 pm, and then Akari threw up at 4:30 am on Friday and then on Monday!  It looked like she got some kind of stomach bug but luckily it didn't last too long. phew... You know, I felt a little helpless seeing my one year-old being sick, yet she cannot tell us if any part of her body was hurting and how she was feeling. :(

But we have survived so far without meltdown, thanks to the wonderful friends who brought us food to help!!! Now I'm hoping we will get through this week okay and without crying, then the Holiday week! Yay!!

Monday, December 03, 2012

年子育児の初日 1st day with 2 kids

もうすぐで息子くんが生まれて早くも一ヶ月が経つが、あまりの忙しさに目が回りそう~ 手伝いにわざわざ日本からきてくれていた両親。家事にチビの相手と、凄く助かってたのですごく感謝!チビも甘やかしてもらっていたけど、一番甘えていたのは実は私だったんだと思う… その両親も遂に先週末帰国… (´Д` )

It's been almost one month since Ken's arrival, and it's been insanely crazy busy even with my parents' help with Akari and around the house!! Akari was spoiled by my my parents but the truth is that I was even more spoiled by them. We were so lucky that they came here from Japan to help us out, but unfortunately they finally went back this past weekend.  

Friday, November 30, 2012

赤ちゃん返り Reactions to her brother

ビックリしたのは、出産前日からなぜか急にママっ子に変身し、特に出産した日の朝のベッタリさは普通じゃなかった。どこに行くのも(家の中で)私の手を握りたがり、病院に行く準備をしていた私の代わりに他の人がアカリの相手をしようものなら「ノー」の連発で私の側を片時も離れたがらなかった。終いにはパパに赤ちゃん抱っこ。 これっていわゆる子供の第六感ってやつだったんじゃないかなぁ〜

What really surprised me was Akari's reaction before the baby's arrival. It started a day before I went into the labor. Usually she is very independent, but especially the morning of the delivery, she was unusually clingy and wanted to be my side all the time and hold my hand. If someone else tried to take care of her while I was getting ready to head out to the hospital, she screamed "NO!!", and asked me to do things for her instead. I wonder if that was the six sense and she knew that someone was about come out and she had to share her parents??

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

長男の誕生! Baby boy is here!


赤ちゃんの体重増加が心配(予定日にて既に3600g(8lbs)前後との診断)だったのと、また誘発になる可能性にちょっとガッカリ… 予定日を過ぎてから「もしかして今日かな?」という思いで一杯だったので、一日一日が非常にゆっくりに感じた〜

On November 7th, a week later than the due date, the healthy baby boy was born finally at Inova Alexandria Hospital. He and I are doing great!

Although I was a little concerned about his possible weight gain during the 41st week since they told me he was already 8 lbs on the due date... Also I wasn't all that happy about possibly being induced again. After the due date had passed, a day felt a lot longer due to anxiety and only thing I could think was "maybe it's today!?"... 

Friday, November 02, 2012

亀さん Procrastinating Turtle

ベビのあだ名をLittle Dragonからカメさんに改名しなくてはならない様子。出産の際にもたついていた姉よりも(でも予定日より2日早い)、さらにのんびりの様です。今日が予定日なのに全然出て来る様子がなく、相変わらずヌクヌク中!?急に寒くなったから、木枯らしが吹いている外よりも私のお腹の中の方が居心地が良いのも分かるけど、長くて残り1週間も待たなければ行けないかと思うと、ちょっと気が重いなぁ… 妊婦飽きたよ〜!お姉ちゃんが、これ以上甘ちゃんになる前に出て来て…

It looks like I need to rename Little Dragon to Procrastinating Turtle instead... His older sister was called turtle during her birth because she took her time to come out to say hi to the world, but she still showed up two days earlier than the due date. Well, this one seems like going to stay a little longer than 40 weeks (today is the due date). Is it because it got really cold outside and he'd rather want to be cozy in where it's warmer? Understandable, but everyone is getting inpatient here and I don't know if I can wait one more week at the longest. Hurry up, kid!!! Please come out before your sister gets spoiled more and gets worse and bratty... 
にほんブログ村 子育てブログ 海外育児へ

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DIY: 気球のモービル Hot-air balloon mobile

ずーっと欲しかった気球のモービル。作り方の乗っているサイトを発見し、早速つくってみました。北欧のデザインも物らしいです。チビもクルクル回るのを見て「うわぁ〜」。喜んでくれた見たく、私も嬉しかったな♥ 時間を見つけてベビ2号にも作ろうかな…

 I always wanted to a mobile in home. I think they are awesome as home decorations. Coming across a DIY site for the hot-air balloon mobile, I've decided to make one for Akari. It turned out well and she seemed to be amazed whenever it moves around. Her reaction was very rewarding and I'm hoping that I will have a chance to make another for the Little Dragon sometime...
にほんブログ村 子育てブログ 海外育児へ

Saturday, October 27, 2012

パンプキン Pumpkin patch


Since today is the last day before the hurricane Sandy brings rain, we went to the pumpkin patch with my parents who are visiting.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Baby Shower ベビーシャワー

 (photo of the table is via my friend N)

お友達が嬉しいことに、ベビーシャワーを開いてくれました。とても嬉しかった〜!Georgetown Cupcake(テレビ番組のため、ちまたではかなり有名のカップケーキのお店)のカップケーキまであり、オムツケーキはなんと手作り!(Nちゃん器用!)楽しいく美味しいひと時を過ごしてきました。

チビのことで初回と違って満喫どころじゃない、今回のマタニティーライフ。健診で問題がなく、順調に育っているからこそだけれども、緊張もドキドキもなく、大きなお腹が邪魔で疲れるなぁ〜と思うくらい程度なのが本音。でも、こうやってお祝いしてもらうと、実感が湧いて来るものなんだね… 苦笑

My kind friends throw me a baby shower earlier this week. I was so touched by their kindness. One of them actually made this awesome looking diaper cake, and the cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcake were for dessert! ...yum yum...

With the second pregnancy, especially being preoccupied with Akari, I hardly have had time to sort of "enjoy" being pregnant, but thinking that my big tummy is in my way when I have to pick up Akari. In other words, I don't think the reality of being pregnant has sunk in all the way... But this shower made me realize that I'm about to have another baby (duh!) and we are crazy to have another one again (DUH!!)... 

Friday, September 28, 2012

公園通い parks

デイケアが終了してから早くも3週間。公園やプレイデート通いの毎日で、最近は「おんも」と言うようにまでなった。さすが元気一杯の1歳児。日によっては午前と午後に1回「おんも」に行きたがるので、現在妊娠35週目の身重&運動不足の私もアカリと一緒に昼寝をするようになってしまったよ… 基本、1人で歩かせる様にはしているけれど、時と場合によっては抱っこが必要なので、鞄や荷物を足すと私は合計とてつもない重りを抱えて歩いていることになる。計算すると、多くて60ポンド(27㌔)!! ひぇ〜

Since the daycare ended, it's been three weeks already. I have never been this busy before. Almost everyday, we have been at a park, sometimes twice a day! She just loves being outside, and now she says "Onmo (outside)" and tries to run out of the door all the time! All these times going to parks also make me pretty tired to the point I need to take a nap also... Well, after all, sometimes I have to pick up Akari and at most, I would be carrying about 60lb. of the extra weight in total... Geez!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

誕生日の週末 birthday weekend


The birthday weekend was pretty hectic, but fun.  Good or bad, my hubby's and mine are 4 days apart, so we used to go somewhere instead of buying gifts for each other before the kid. Perhaps because of that, now it seems like we both have hard time figuring out what to get for birthday...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

クラブケーキ crab cakes

週末は義姉家にお邪魔。チビを預けて5年前に披露宴をしたYork River沿いのレストランにランチをしに行って来た。

This past Saturday, my sister-in-law was nice enough to look over Akari, so we can go out for lunch at the restaurant on York River where we had the wedding reception five years ago (!).

Friday, August 03, 2012

お勧めパンとパンケーキのレシピ my favorite bread and pancake recipes

一時期ハマっていたパン作りも、チビが生まれてからは時間がなく無理だった。でも偶然にも自分の時間ゼロの私にでもお手軽に出来るレシピに行き会ったよ!しかもレシピ、信じられないくらい簡単で、外はパリパリ中はモチモチでパンが焼ける。日本のフワフワのパンも良いけど、噛みごたえのあるハードも好き♥ ズボラな私でも失敗しないところが更にすごい、このレシピ!  

 I have come across this awesome recipe for bread. This is going to be one of my favorites for sure since it's super easy and I can bake it while I'm working or doing other things, like taking care of A. ...set it, forget it, and bake it!

Monday, July 30, 2012

充実した週末 Busy Weekend

旦那さんに子守りを頼み友 達とランチしたり、近所のファーマーズマーケットに行ったりと週末はかなり充実した内容でした。チビと一緒だと最近はゆっくり食べられないので、久し振り に息抜きで楽しかった。ファーマーズマーケットのお目当ては甘いトマト!スーパーと違って熟しているからとても美味しい〜 サラダで頂きました★

This past weekend was pretty good one for me. I went out lunch with friends while my hubby watched Akari, and also went to the farmer's market.  It's been a while to get to eat out in peace. As much as I love Akari's company, it's been especially tough to go out to eat with her since she doesn't want to sit still for a long time...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

日本からの小包 package from Japan

 昨日、日本から小包が届き、私は速攻上機嫌♪ いくつになっても贈り物は嬉しいね

 Yesterday, a small package arrived from Japan. It's always nice to receive a gift package.

Monday, July 23, 2012

アップアップな日々 busy days

相変わらず、仕事、育児、家事、妊娠と自分でも欲張りすぎたなと思いながらアップアップしながらこの記録的な猛暑に耐えてます。(ってエアコンガンガンつけて、アイスを頻繁に食べていたり…)今年は40度を超える日が多くて、妊婦には辛い〜 日本程湿気がないのが唯一の救いだけど、暑がりの我々親子は果たして日本の夏大丈夫なのかな、まだまだ先の心配をしてみたり… 

As always, juggling work, parenthood, house-chores, and pregnancy hasn't been easy for me, and i am taking one day at a time while enduring this crazy heatwave... with A/C and ice cream. This hot summer is a little too much for this prego, although I cannot imagine how things are in very-humid Japan. As much as I want to go back, I am not looking forward staying there one summer in the near future! Akari gets sweaty too easily too... poor thing.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

daily findings :: wooden toys by PlanToys

I saw this wooden horse when we went over to a friend's house of lunch other day, and I fell in love with the design!  

Friday, June 08, 2012

my work :: ピンバッジのイラスト pin button illustration

もうすぐ週末〜! 週末から夏日和で30度の日が続くのはあまり嬉しくないけど、明日はチビのプールデビュー予定☆ …どうなることやら。


Happy Friday!! It's going to be HOT this coming week and I'm not too happy about it... :( Tomorrow will be the first time to take Akari to a pool. We'll see how she would react!

Anyway, here is my latest work (although it was done earlier this year). It was fun project for sure! Hoping to get work on more similar projects in the future!!

Monday, June 04, 2012

メモリアルデイの週末 Memorial day weekend

アメリカの五月の最後の週末は、メモリアルデイのため連休。義理姉宅でメモリアルデイらしくバーベキューを楽しんできました。明佳梨はバーベキューとビールの代わりに、牛乳(卒乳したよ!)とちょっとハワイアンブレッド〜 このハワイアンブレッド、甘いからがっついて食べてた…

For the Memorial day weekend, we enjoyed BBQ at the sister-in-law's house. Akari loved Hawaiian bread and milk (now she is weaned off!) at the BBQ too!
金曜日に私の不注意で、生まれて初めて親子共にERを経験。抜けた肘がまだ痛いわ、風邪で咳と鼻水が止まらないわで、かなり辛いのかずっと私にべったりで機嫌が悪かったのが嘘の様な瞬間… 逆に大事を取って週末籠っていたら、ず〜っとピーピーとべったりだったんだろうなと思うと、思い切って家を出てよかったあ。

On Friday before the weekend, we both were at ER for the first time for A's dislocated elbow (my careless mistake...). Even though everything got checked out okay, poor thing is that her arm was still hurting and she was not feeling the best due to cold (lots of running nose and coughing which still continues). But seeing A having fun with family made me glad to get out the house despite my concern. If we stayed at home, she was probably clingy and whiny for the whole weekend...

Friday, May 18, 2012

アメリカンな1歳の誕生日 First birthday celebration

チビの1歳の誕生日(先月だけど...汗)は初めてのケーキ(手作り)とキッズミールジャンクフード(アメリカンな旦那のご要望)でのお祝いとなりました。さすがに、ポテトは数本、ナゲットは一個だけしかあげなかったけどね…チビはもっと食べたかったのか、一生懸命、箱をひっくり返してナゲットを探していたよ 苦笑 天気がよかったので、仕事のあった私抜きで、旦那が公園に連れて行ってくれ、楽しんだ様子。お祝いは私たちだけだったけど、記念に残るものにしたくって、飾り付けを自分なりに頑張り、天井のガーランドは手作り。たった一日だけじゃ、もったいないので(嫌なので?)まだ飾ってあり、チビはときどき上を向いて、「あ〜」と指差す・・・ 喜んでいるのかな?

For Akari's first birthday, we celebrated with homemade cake and McD's kids' meal (hubby's idea). Although A only got to have a few fries and just one nugget... (that would have been a little too much junk food, a little too soon.) It looked like she wanted more nuggets as she turned the box upside down searching for more... Beejay took her to the park to play since the weather was really nice, but unfortunately I had to work that day. It looked like A had lots of fun outside! I made her birthday triangle banners, and they are still hanging from the ceiling. Well, didn't want to use just one day after spending some time on them, you know ;) A points them often while she is eating. I wonder if she is liking them... 


Unfortunately, the trip to the zoo had to be postponed because of rain. So we took her to the playground at the mall instead. Well, bad idea... too many older kids running around and it was a little too much for her.  The sandals below are her birthday present. According to my mother, I had something similar when I was little also. Hmmmm, we have similar taste?? 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

母の日の予想外ハプニング unexpected event on Mother's Day



A's gift for Mother's Day which she made at daycare.  

On Mother's Day, I barely got out the bed being sick all of the sudden. It was either because of something I ate or a type of stomach bug. It was pretty bad, but I'm glad it didn't last for a few days... 

母の日ではないけれど、土曜日にずっと気になっていた当たり前の様で、アメリカでは当たり前でない、有機栽培の牧草を食べて育った牛さんのハンバーグ @Elevation Burger。アメリカで一般的にスーパーで売っている牛は、トウモロコシで育った多量生産されたもので、まあいろいろと話題化しているね〜 確かに、牧草飼育された方が断然美味しい… 日曜日には何も出来なかったけど、土曜日にヘアカットして、目の検査受けたりと、忙しくも充実した週末(?)でした。

On Saturday, we had finally had a chance to eat organic glass-fed beef burger at Elevation Burger. I got long-due haircut, got my eye exams done. So at least to say, despite the Sunday, it was very productive weekend ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

桜 cherry blossoms


Cherry blossoms in Japan are probably done already by now. It was 2 months ago, but cherry blossoms in DC was beautiful and pink was darker than last year. I feel very fortunate to get to enjoy them even though I live in the U.S.!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Turning One 一歳になったよ

While I was taking a break from the blog due to various events in my life, my little one turned one last month!

Friday, February 24, 2012

公園日和 park-day weather

まだ2月だというのに、まるで春の様な陽気が数日続いてますが、アレルギーの酷い私には悲しい季節です。でも、どうにか一日はチビを連れて、友達とRiver Farmという公園に行ってきました。ここは子供が遊べる庭園があって、春になるときっと奇麗なはず。

チビは芝生の上をハイハイしてみたり、落ち葉を食べてみたり(汗)と、結構満喫していたご様子。こんなによい天気なのだから、もっと外遊びさせて上げたいけれど、現在ママはティッシュ箱を抱えて、ボーっとする頭で窓も開けられず、籠っています… ゴメン…

It's been unusually warm for February... It's just like spring already! 

As much as I wish I could enjoy this weather, the allergy is killing me... So I only got to take Akari out to a park once. We went to check out the Children's Garden at River Farm. Akari seemed to enjoy being outside, sitting on the glass... and eating dead leaves... But unfortunately since then I've been hugging a box of Kleenex pretty much all day, and staying inside...  

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

甘党な私 sweet tooth got worse

妊娠してから、甘い物がさらに大好きになってしまい、毎日何かしら食べてますが… 初めてプリンをつくったよ。意外と簡単なんだね〜 日本では気軽に買えるけれど、アメリカだと食べたくても作らなくちゃならないから、時間のない私には大仕事の様に思えるよ…(フランというスペイン系のちょっと違うのはあるけど)

Since when  I was pregnant, I develop a habit of eating sweets more frequently... I cannot stop... help... I love fran and didn't realize it was quite easy to make to make them! Although between chasing Akari, working and house chores, it's still hard for me to find to make sweets...
Please vote for my blog by clicking the banners :)ランキング参加中。よろしくね!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

food log :: America Eats Tavern

先週末は初めてチビを旦那に預けてDCでランチ!行ったのは限定期間でオープン中のAmerica Eats Tavern. アメリカの代表的な料理なんだけど、ちょっとおしゃれ。お店も雰囲気良かった♡

For the first time, I had a chance to go out to DC while hubby was watching Akari. It was a little odd being without her, but I still had fun! (thanks hubby!!) America Eats Tavern, where I had lunch, is open for only a limited time (until July 4th) :)

Please vote for my blog by clicking the banners :)ランキング参加中。よろしくね!

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