Thursday, May 30, 2013

今年初の連休 Memorial day weekend 2013


久し振りに暴食暴飲(授乳のため飲めませんが、珍しくソーダを…)汗 幸いにも天気に恵まれ、パティオでBBQを楽しみリフレッシュできた週末した!子供たちもみんなに構ってもらって満足顔。ちび姉は引き潮の際に、義兄と従兄弟くんたちと潮干狩りをしてきて貝をバシバシ棒でひっぱたいて、楽しかったみたい。凶暴ちび姉ゴンだわ…

On the Memorial day weekend, we went back to visit the sister-in-law's. I remember when I was still working full-time, I couldn't wait for the Memorial day weekend since it's the very fist holiday after the New Year. Not having any holidays for almost 5 months was a little hard to deal, but now instead of having break from work, it's a break from the little ones ;) As much as the kids love to play with others, I love to get away from the routine of everyday things and it's funny how now I consider it as a good vacation without hopping on an airplane to go somewhere faraway… I feel so lucky to have someone not to far away welcoming us!!

The weekend weather was perfect, sunny and not too hot! Everyone enjoyed BBQ on the patio as well as spending some time outside. Akari even get to play at a beach digging clams with her cousins. Her sneakers were sandy and soaking wet! I guess I should get her rain boots?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

photo a day // 04.15-04.21

April 15/30 • alone

April 16/30 • your favorite color

April 17/30 • busy

April 18/30 • hello

April 19/30 • button(s)

April 20/30 • on your mind

April 21/30 • fire

• • •

April photo list | taken by iPhone and DSLR | Find me on Instagram

嬉しい出来事 happy news

右上の写真です。my photo is on the top right.



Even though I haven't been able to upload any photos on the blog lately, I've been still taking a photo everyday (unless I'm sick). However, lately I've been sick often and to add to my already-busy schedule, going through a home-buying process has been taken up most of my free time (aka. while kids are napping and after they go bed)! I almost thought of taking a break from "photo a day" project next month. Top of that, yesterday, someone hit my less-than-a-year-old car while it was parked. Luckily he waited for me to come out the store instead of running away while I was shopping. However, it's been so time consuming dealing with the insurance company and trying to get the car repaired…

However today, a good news made my day and lifted my spirit up. My photo for 5/21 was selected for the Fab Four by the photo a day challenge organizer! (She picks four photos on each Instagram and Facebook that have caught her attention). While I'm doing this challenge to satisfy my need to do something creative, it is nice to get positive reactions from others! Yay!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ちび介の初節句 Children's Day

5月もすでに下旬だというのに、ちび介の初節句のことまだ書く時間がなかったので今更ながら・・・まぁタイムマシーンに乗ったつもりで、という事で(汗)悪まで自分の記録のためだしね〜 で、4月半ばから順番に体調を崩し続けていた我が家。5月の上旬には見事に私と旦那がsinus infection(副鼻腔炎ふくびこうえん)に。最近アレルギー鼻炎になると必ずと言っていい程、sinus infectionになってるし。しかも、授乳中のため服薬出来ず、自力で(?)治すはめに。はぁ〜〜〜〜〜

I know May is almost over, and Children's Day was way back on May 5th. Well, bare with me... I know it's somewhat of expired content... So since the middle of April, my household been dealing with cold, allergy and sinus infection. After kids got better, now it was B and my turn to suffer, this time it was sinus infection around the first week of May...

手抜きも何も、ちまきしか作る気力なかったわ。いや、炊き込みご飯にしか見えないけれど、ちゃんと中華ちまきです。ただね、面倒だったので炊飯器で炊いてお 茶碗によそっただけなの。笹の葉もタケノコの皮も手にはいらないし… 鯉のぼりの形のプレートとかケーキとかもなし。そう、ちまきだけ!ちまきだけ作っ て、力つきてソファーの上で伸びてました。ごめんね、ちび介。どうせまだ何も食べられないからいいや〜という気持ちもどこかにあったけど、来年はちゃんと がんばるので許して…

For Children's celebration, I wanted to make all different kinds of dish to celebrate Ken's very fist Children's Day (also it's Boys' Day). BUT, I only had energy for one dish, chimaki (sticky rice dumplings) before I crushed and vegetate on the sofa. I felt bad for Ken for not making it special, but on corner of my mind, I have to admit, I was thinking it wasn't a big deal since he cannot eat yet! Sorry, Ken... I will do better next year, I promise...

鯉のぼりも用意できなかったので、せめて自作でも!とDIYの紙の鯉のぼりを作ってみたのだけれども、難易度ふつうのはずが、難しかった!!!! 私が不器用なだけなのかもしれないけれど、マジで途中放棄したくなったことが何度あったか…ウソツキ!でも、まぁヤケでちび介のために夜な夜な時間を見つけて作りましたよ〜これ、作ってる途中で、肝心な難点に気づいたんですが・・・写真では中に浮いている様に見えるのですが、実際には糸で鯉を柱につなげるので、柱を立てると鯉が空を泳がない!これじゃ、まるで死んでいるようで、かっこ良くない!


Since we didn't have Koinobori for the occasion, I decided to make DIY paper-craft Koinobori and make them for Ken. It was supposed to be a piece of cake, well it was labeled as "middle level"... WRONG!! It was quite difficult and took a little longer than I expected. Also there were two major issues I didn't expect. Fish were attached to the pole with strings, and it wasn't self-standing type... The photo sort of tricked me thinking kois will look like swimming when it's finished. So I had to think a little hard to come up with a solution – use pieces of paper strips instead of strings, and make a stand using a pair of chopsticks and a piece of wood.

Despite my effort, I wasn't too thrilled with the outcome, but I tried and hope Ken will appreciate it when he looks photos later... 

Friday, May 17, 2013

外遊び大好き loving to play outside


おかげで(?)先週末以降から、朝起きて初めに「おんも、いこ!」今までは「パン!」だったのに… 部屋から出るとすぐに自分の靴をもって催促するまでに。朝が苦手な私は「あとで〜」を一体毎朝、何回言っているのだろう… 

そんなんで、私の花粉症も落ち着いたので、暑くなる前に思いっきり公園を満喫させてあげ ようと、今日の午前中は公園で2時間も遊ばせてきました。プレイグループも読聞かせも、何かと脱走したがるちび姉。(絶対に将来学校から成績表に協調性が ないと書かれるのじゃないかと、実は今から心配)公園は正反対!!私とちび介が帰りたいがために、もっと遊ぶ〜と泣き叫ぶちび姉を抱えて、片手でベビー カーを押しつつ、車まで戻る羽目に… 思いっきり遊ばせたので昼寝はガッチリ4時間も!ラッキー☆

So after spending time at the new house of sister-in-law's this past weekend, Akari is obsessed with playing outside. She had so much fun running around and exploring the huge yard. And what kid doesn't love being pushed around in the wheel-barrel! After everyone got tired of pushing the wheel-barrel, she was still trying to climb into it by herself...

Now since the Mother's Day weekend, now she says "Let's go outside" as the first thing in the morning while she is still in the crib. As soon as she gets out her room, she even grabs her shoes and ask me to put them on! She is so ready to go, but not her sleepyhead mama though... This is a little tough and I end up repeating "a little later..." over and over.

So today I decide to bring her to a playground since my allergy is better finally. Well, guess what!? We were there for two hours! I even had to grab her and carry her out of park while pushing Ken in the stroller because she still wanted to play, but it was getting hot and Ken and I were hungry. Geez, she really loves park unlike playgroups and stroytimes which she usually tries to leave right away... Anyway, I think today was win-win situation for everyone! Akari had so much fun and hers nap was almost 4 hours. Yay!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

母強し mighty mother


On Mother's day, I had a chance to take a family portrait of my sister-in-law. All weapons are from kung fu which they do as a family! 

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

photo a day // 04.08-04.14

   April 08/30 • on your plate
 April 09/30 • tiny 
April 10/30 • a place
April 11/30 • detail
April 12/30 • in the middle
April 13/30 • view from your bed(room window)
April 14/30 • water
 • • •
Opps, April is already over?! I need to hurry up and upload the rest =)
April photo list | taken by iPhone | Find me on Instagram