Wednesday, December 21, 2011

happy holidays!

アカリの初クリスマスはサンタクロースより一足早く、風邪が遊びに来てしまう。しかも家族もインフルエンザと格闘中とか?!折角のクリスマスなのに、自宅待機とかになっちゃうなのかな… うーん (´Д` )



Akari's very first Christmas might be "stay@home" one since cold came knocking on our door before Santa. Akari has been coughing and having a slight fever :( I'm hoping that she gets better by tomorrow, but if not, we might have to pull out our tree and decorate it (since Akari is crawling everywhere we didn't pull out the tre this year, knowing that she will go there to play with pretty lights and cords.)

Don't get sick and wish you merry Christmas!!

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Friday, December 16, 2011

まとめて近状報告 lately... In summary

育児、家事、仕事に追われ、独りでマッタリする時間もないまま気がつけば師走。今年もあと僅か!オマケに全然更新出来ていないこのブログ... (-。-; 一体時間はいつの間に経ってしまっていたのだろう… 

さてさて、アカリももうすぐ8ヶ月。話には聞いていたものの、成長が早く、嬉しいやら寂しいやら。今フニャフニャせず、かといって幼児でもないこの時期が一番好きかも♡ アカリは7ヶ月になったとたん、いろいろな事ができるようになった。お座り、つかまり立ち、いないないばぁ、ハイハイ、バイバイと大忙し。おまけ一日だけの 人見知りをよりによってサンクスギビングデーに。親戚大勢に注目されて、ビックリしたのか、私、旦那、私の実母以外に抱っこされようものなら、顔を皺く ちゃにして大泣きヽ(´o`;

Juggling parenting, house chores, and work has been keeping me super busy. I almost didn't realize the year 2012 is almost over! Top of that late realization of how fast time has gone, the blog has been put on the back burner... Where did time go!?

Well, Akari is almost 8 mo. and growing really fast. Within the past month, she managed to sit by herself, stand by holding on to something, do peek a-boos, crawling, and waving her hand (bye-bye)! She doesn't shy away from unfamiliar people, but on the Thanksgiving day, she didn't want to be held by anybody. If someone else other than her mommy, daddy and grandma, would hold her, she started to cry furiously... hahaha but luckily, it was only one day deal...

相変わらず離乳食は難航中。食べる事に対する興味がないらしく、すぐ気が散る。(↑ハイチェアの上でご飯を食べるよりも、下で紐を食べる方がいいらしい…)離乳食の時はいつも根気比べ。自分で 言うのも何だけど、随分辛抱強くなったよ、私... 唯一パクパク食べてくれるのはバナナ。トマトと玉ねぎは嫌いみたい。乳製品はお腹に合わないのか粉ミルクに引き続き、ヨーグルトをちょっとあげただけなの に、吐いちゃった (´Д` ) 母乳は平気だからアレルギーとかではないらしいんだけど... うーん

She rather wants to play than eating food. So feeding her has been such a struggle and least favorite things to do for me and her. As the photo shows, she rater eat the belt of the high chair than food... But She loves banana, but hates onion and tomatoes, and do not do well with dairy product. When she had one small bite of yogurt, she ended up throwing up, just like when I gave her formula. Makes me a little concerened...

発する喃語も増え、おしゃべりしているように聞こえるから不思議。先日もランチの時にそばの テーブルにいた1歳くらいの子と一生懸命コミュニケーションをとっていた。一体誰に似たのかおしゃべりな子になりそうな気がするぞ~ ♪( ´▽`) ダダダやパパパと連発し、旦那が帰宅すると歩行器で旦那に向かってダッシュして行くので、旦那はメロメロ \(//∇//)\

She also started to babble a lot. Other day at Panera, she was busy "talking" to other baby near by. I wonder where she picked up this talkativeness? I have a feeling that she will be a talker. She says "dadada" and "papapa" a lot which makes hubby grins all ear to ear. Other day, she literally ran to him in a walker when he got home from work. Surely she knows how to make his happy!!

6ヶ月健診で言われたスリープトレーニング (要するに授乳拒否する事で最終的に諦めさせ、夜の授乳をなくすことで、夜起きなくなるらしい。アメリカでは結構当たり前かな?) は...全然出来てない、というかしてないので、夜中数回起きて授乳。だって眠いのに泣くアカリを一時間以上あやして寝かしつけつける気力なんてないよ~ オッパイ挙げればスグ寝てくれるのわかっているから特にね...(。-_-。) モノグサなのさ。そのうちね・・・

As for me, I am still suffering from the lack of sleep. Well, it's the result of not doing the sleep training as Dr. told me to do at her 6 months check up. I haven't had energy to put her back to sleep by spending hours, when she goes right back to sleep if I feed her. Yes, probably I am just being lazy. But I don't think I can do cry it out neither... well, maybe one day, I will get to sleep train her... maybe....

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Daily findings: little printer

I really ♡ this!! That cute look surely will bring a smile every time you see it at home...

Hello Little Printer, available 2012 from BERG on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

近郊探索 exploring the area

Lately we have been luck with the weather on the weekends. It's nice to explore the area in search of yummy food!


 @Old Town Alexandria

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Monday, November 14, 2011

前途多難だった帰国 landing in Tokyo with Typhoon


成田着陸時刻に台風が東京上陸してしまい、急遽新千歳空港に臨時着陸したものの、4時間機内に缶詰状態。幸いにもチビはお利口にしててくれたので、以外に楽だったけれど、ようやく成田についたのは夜の10時! 台風の影響で都内への交通手段はなく、ホテルも満席だしタクシー待ちは長蛇の列… ひとりでスーツケース、ベビーカー、手荷物2個と5ヶ月のチビを抱っこしてた私は、途方にくれる羽目に…  

結局どうしようもないので諦めて空港で一夜を明かし、翌日の朝九時のバスで実家に無事ついたんだけど、ほんっと疲れた〜 !! 今思うと、良くひとりでどうにかなったなぁ〜と思うよ… オムツを持てるだけ手荷物で持ってきてて、ホント助かった。夜中の空港じゃオムツなんて買えないしね〜(苦笑)

So the trip to Japan... While I was happy to bring Akari to meet everyone and eat all yummy food, getting there was such a nightmare!

The day we were supposed to land there, the typhoon landed onto Tokyo at the same time. So instead of landing to Narita, the plain diverged to New Chitose airport in Hokkaido where we stayed for 4 hours inside of plan before the plan headed to Narita! Despite the fact we ended up being in the plain for about total of 20 hours, luckily the little monster did well in the plain better than I expected...

Unfortunately, we were still out of luck even though we finally got out of the plain! Because of the typhoon and we got to Narita around 10 pm, there was no way to get to the house. All hotels were booked with people who were in the same situation. So long story short, we spend night at the airport and headed home next morning. Since I was traveling alone with Akari, I barely slept... But I was so glad we got there safely!! Ala!

I was glad I brought enough diapers... you know you cannot buy them at the airport in the middle of night... ;)
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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

1st Halloween 初めてのハローウィン

チビの初めてのハロウィーンに、(アメリカ生活長いのに)初めてパンプキンのランタンを作ったぞ!かなり固くって、彫るのにかなり疲れた…(娘のためにエンヤコラ〜♪)可愛いからと、小さい物を買ったら経験者の旦那(手伝ってはくれなかったよ… 涙)もビックリするくらい固かったのです。彫るのに向き不向きがあるんだね〜Σ(゚д゚;) トホホ. 疲れたよ〜!!! 

Yesterday was Akari's 1st Halloween as well as the first time I ever carved out a pumpkin (I have done the oranges... ;))!! However, I made a mistake of picking a small pumpkin which turned out really hard as a rock to carve out... I broke in sweat and had to take breaks before I was able to finish it up (thanks to my hubby who didn't help...). Who new there is a certain kind of pumpkin for a Jack-O-lantern!! A lesson learned. :/

My pink skeleton and the Jack-O-lantern (with a too-long stem)

Pumpkin's brain!! It was pretty yucky, and I didn't enjoy scooping it out...

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

アメリカに戻ってきてます back in the US

無事帰国してます♪ でも始めの1週間はチビの時差ぼけが酷く、毎日朝4時からプレイモード全開… 付き合って起きていた私には辛く、何も手に着かず。時差ぼけが治ってからは、溜っていたメールや家事などに追われる日々です。

We are back from our trip safely! However, the first week was rough since Akari's jet lag was terrible. She was ready to play at 4 am every day!! Once our jet lag was over, it was time for me to tackle with things that had piled up while we were away... yikes!

日本は美味しかった〜 台風の影響で成田に一泊することになったけれど、とても有意義な旅行でした。詳細はまた後日に…

The trip was great despite the typhoon and overnight stay at the airport in Japan... I will post the details of the trip later... must sleep... nite nite ;)

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

のんびり日曜日 Lazy Sunday

@Bayou Bakery

The last week rained a lot, but finally the sun came out on the weekend! We enjoyed wandering around the town, and ended up relaxing at a cafe. I finally had a chance to try beignets... Akari might wanted some based on her face on the photos...

♥ lazy Sunday!

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Sunday, September 04, 2011

ショックなこと shocking event

話には聞いていたけど… やっぱり実際に経験するとショック!!!!
I was aware of this..... but it is quite shocking to actually experience it.


産後の抜け毛!!! 今最高期… 髪の毛をとかしたり、掃除するたびにギョエェェェ〜 大量の抜け毛を見るのはかなりショックだよぅ。

Crazy amount of hair is falling off due to the pregnancy!!!! It is scary to see how much are coming off whenever I brush or sweep the floor. YIKES... :'(


Akari is also getting the bald spot now she is moving around more than ever... Maybe we will be a bald pair in the near future... ugh!

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Thursday, September 01, 2011

山あり谷あり ups and downs


We have cried a lot and laughed together, sometimes it all about seeing who is more patient. Just a little while ago, she was just a small and fragile creature, but she has grown really fast and getting strong. Now life without her is unthinkable for us. Crazy... Also I feel that I have grown up most within this past 4 months...

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

欲張ると… getting greedy...

赤ちゃんの指シャブリって、手をグーして親指をチュッパチュッパしているのを(勝手に)想像してたんだけど… 始めはグーが出来ないんだね!


I always pictured that when babies suck their fingers it's their thumbs and while clinching their hands... well, I learned they don't know how to clinch their hand at the beginning! ha!

So Akari's hand usually cover her face... hehehe

When she is feeling a little greedy (?), she sucks her whole hand...

Then when she really feels the strong urge, then she tries to put both hands into her tiny month, but...

それはチョット無理でしょ〜(´ε`;) 結局口に何も入っていないから、怒って泣き出しちゃうおチビさん。思わず吹き出しちゃう!`;:゙;`;・(゚ε゚ )ブーッ!!

that's a little too much.... After all none of fingers is in her mouth. So she gets upset! Oh she is so silly!! :D

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