Friday, May 18, 2012

アメリカンな1歳の誕生日 First birthday celebration

チビの1歳の誕生日(先月だけど...汗)は初めてのケーキ(手作り)とキッズミールジャンクフード(アメリカンな旦那のご要望)でのお祝いとなりました。さすがに、ポテトは数本、ナゲットは一個だけしかあげなかったけどね…チビはもっと食べたかったのか、一生懸命、箱をひっくり返してナゲットを探していたよ 苦笑 天気がよかったので、仕事のあった私抜きで、旦那が公園に連れて行ってくれ、楽しんだ様子。お祝いは私たちだけだったけど、記念に残るものにしたくって、飾り付けを自分なりに頑張り、天井のガーランドは手作り。たった一日だけじゃ、もったいないので(嫌なので?)まだ飾ってあり、チビはときどき上を向いて、「あ〜」と指差す・・・ 喜んでいるのかな?

For Akari's first birthday, we celebrated with homemade cake and McD's kids' meal (hubby's idea). Although A only got to have a few fries and just one nugget... (that would have been a little too much junk food, a little too soon.) It looked like she wanted more nuggets as she turned the box upside down searching for more... Beejay took her to the park to play since the weather was really nice, but unfortunately I had to work that day. It looked like A had lots of fun outside! I made her birthday triangle banners, and they are still hanging from the ceiling. Well, didn't want to use just one day after spending some time on them, you know ;) A points them often while she is eating. I wonder if she is liking them... 


Unfortunately, the trip to the zoo had to be postponed because of rain. So we took her to the playground at the mall instead. Well, bad idea... too many older kids running around and it was a little too much for her.  The sandals below are her birthday present. According to my mother, I had something similar when I was little also. Hmmmm, we have similar taste?? 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

母の日の予想外ハプニング unexpected event on Mother's Day



A's gift for Mother's Day which she made at daycare.  

On Mother's Day, I barely got out the bed being sick all of the sudden. It was either because of something I ate or a type of stomach bug. It was pretty bad, but I'm glad it didn't last for a few days... 

母の日ではないけれど、土曜日にずっと気になっていた当たり前の様で、アメリカでは当たり前でない、有機栽培の牧草を食べて育った牛さんのハンバーグ @Elevation Burger。アメリカで一般的にスーパーで売っている牛は、トウモロコシで育った多量生産されたもので、まあいろいろと話題化しているね〜 確かに、牧草飼育された方が断然美味しい… 日曜日には何も出来なかったけど、土曜日にヘアカットして、目の検査受けたりと、忙しくも充実した週末(?)でした。

On Saturday, we had finally had a chance to eat organic glass-fed beef burger at Elevation Burger. I got long-due haircut, got my eye exams done. So at least to say, despite the Sunday, it was very productive weekend ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

桜 cherry blossoms


Cherry blossoms in Japan are probably done already by now. It was 2 months ago, but cherry blossoms in DC was beautiful and pink was darker than last year. I feel very fortunate to get to enjoy them even though I live in the U.S.!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Turning One 一歳になったよ

While I was taking a break from the blog due to various events in my life, my little one turned one last month!