Friday, December 31, 2010

回想 recollection


As I update this blog, I know that Japan is already in year 2011 since it's 14 hours ahead of the States. In the States, we have about 6 more hours left in 2010. This year has gone by insanely fast!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

今年のクリスマス Christmas

今年はかなり張り切ったクリスマスカード。プリントゴッコ初心者なのに、インクを混ぜたりと無茶をしてしまった… スケッチは夏頃に出来上がっていたのに、実際に印刷し始めたのはクリスマス1週間前。


This was my second time using Gocco to print the card. Despite the fact I'm still getting hang of it, I ended up going all out by creating the registration device and mixing two inks. Pretty happy with the result though.

Although I had rough sketch done for the illustration around summer, I ended up putting off until a week before Christmas to finish the cards... Oh boy...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

daily findings :: bamboo mobiles


Plastic products are so common nowadays, this simple and well-designed product is a breath of fresh air.

Petit Collage Bamboo Mobile- Jungle

Petit Collage Bamboo Mobile - Owl


Monday, December 20, 2010

slower Monday


After the slow and relaxing weekend, my Monday morning was busy with things I had been keeping off... cleaning, laundry, and errands, etc... Oh, also mailing those Christmas cards and gifts too!!


Since today feels extra cold, my lunch was hot tofu soup with rice. The soup was something I tried at a Korean grocery store over the weekend, but I decided to add rice at the last minute. My recipe usually keeps changing by a minute...

さぁ暇な今日。この後どうしよう… Now how should I spend rest of the day...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

早起きのご褒美 Treat for getting up earlier

予定もないのに思ったより早起きしてしまった週末、みんなはどうする?珍しく2人揃って8時前に目が覚めてしまった日曜日の朝。久しぶりに朝食を一緒に外で食べてきた。…が、お店の開店時間をうっかりチェックしないで行ったのが間違い。当初いく予定だったOld Townのフレンチ・ベーカリーは残念ながら10時オープン!


What would you do if you get up earlier than expected on weekends? Well, we rarely wake up before 8 AM on weekends, but for some reasons we both woke up before 8 AM this Sunday... So we decided to go to get breakfast in Old Town, I guess as a treat for waking up early?! Well, however, silly us... we forgot to check the hours of this French bakery! We realized that we got there a little too early and it won't open until 10 AM.

Being hungry already, we ended up going to La Madeleine around the corner instead. Despite of the sudden change of plan, Beejay was happy since he was able to get crépe there which was what he was craving after all. phew...

焼き鳥〜♪ yakitori

アメリカにいると食べたくても気軽に食べられるところがない日本食の一つ、焼き鳥に初挑戦〜♪ オマケにレバーも初めて調理しました 残念な事にこっちのコンロには日本のように魚焼き用のガスコンロが付いていないし、真冬に炭焼きグリルはもちろん無理… 

(いつか魚焼き機ほしいかも〜 その前にキッチンの大きいお家に引越さねば!苦笑)

なのでオーブンでチャレンジしたところ、大成功!! もちろん炭焼きには負けるけど、ちゃんとした焼き鳥ができたよ〜☆ 下処理や準備に一番時間がかかったけれど、お友達と一緒に作ったのでワイワイと楽しみながら作れたよ。オーブンだと大量に作れちゃうから、パーティーとかもいいなぁ。


One of Japanese food I crave every now and then is yakitori... It's a Japanese type of skewered chicken that is more like bar food. It tastes best if charcoal is used to cook, but I am not going to grill outside in the middle of December!! So I have cooked them using the oven and I was quite happy with the result!!

I cooked them with a friend, so the preparation which look a little while was not that much of pain. It was pretty fun cooking together with someone! We had three types of yakitori – thigh, meatball and liver. Of course, being the first time cooking this dish, there were a few things I should have done differently, but over all my tummy was very happy!!

I only wish I could have had beer with it... ugh!
【参考にしたレシピ Recipes I used... in Japanese】

大量過ぎたためか、オーブンの火力が微妙に違うのかカリッとやけるまで30分くらいかかったかも。途中でひっくり返すのも重要。しかもちゃんとメモってお けば良かったものの、慌てていたのか、つくねを下湯でするの完全に忘れてそのまま串に刺して焼いてしまったよ… 次回はちゃんとレシピ通りにします… 反 省、はんせい。あと、ベイキングシートの上に網をのせて、その上で焼けばカリッと出来たかも。


Monday, December 13, 2010

連日外出 Out and About in Cold

先週3日間続けて氷点下近い寒い中夜に外出したら、さすがに週末になったら気が抜けたのか見事に風邪を引いた… 熱はなかったんだけど、日曜日は 一日中悪寒と鼻水に悩まされてずーっと寝込む羽目に。妊娠中だから薬も飲めずゆず生姜茶とみかんで乗り切り、月曜には多少楽になったけど、乾燥が酷く喉の イガイガがなかなか治らないよ〜 今週はさらに寒いので、懲りて家で大人しくしてるのに 苦笑

Because I was out and about for three nights in row, I caught cold on Sunday... (go figure...) Luckily I did not have fever. I tired to sleep it off since I cannot take any typical medication at the moment and that has helped a lot. Since this week has been a lot colder (snowing!), I'm just going to stay in for the most part.... ugh


We didn't realize that tickets were needed see the lighting of the National tree at White House... We only got to see it from faraway, but we go to see police with assault rifles right front of us. It was very intimidating,. at least to say.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

daily finding :: May the force of Typography be with you

Just awesome... What not to love?!

Advertising Agency: H-57 Creative Station, Milan, Italy
Creative Director: Matteo Civaschi, Gianmarco Milesi
Account Director: Sabrina Di Gregorio
Typographer: Matteo Civaschi

[via kiss my black ads]

Monday, November 22, 2010

お出かけ♪ Air and Space Museum

仲良しの友達がボルチモアから遊びに来たので、ご希望のNational Air and Space Museumにみんなでお出かけ。高校以来のスミソニアン… 友達の5歳児ホーランドはビージェイが大のお気に入り。電車の中では、ビージェイにどうしても隣りに座って欲しくって、彼が座るまでず〜っと名前を呼んでいた… 苦笑

Good friends and their kids came to visit us from Baltimore on Sunday. We all went to National Air and Space Museum by metro. Their oldest, Holland (5 yo) seems to like Beejay a lot and he was busy asking him to sit next to him in the train whole time, literally calling his name until he sat down next to Holland...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Food log :: Kabab ケバブ

中近東からの移民が多いのか、この辺りはケバブのお店が沢山!中近東の食べ物にハマっているのでかなり嬉しすぎる〜♥ でもあまりにも多くって、全部チェックするのには時間的にも金銭的にも可能かなぁ〜??今回はDuke House of Kebabというお店に行ってみたよ。お肉を焼いている匂いが店の外でするので、中に入る前にすでにお腹がグルグル〜♪ 中には小ちゃいお店もあってパンとかお米やスパイスも売ってた。フルサービスのレストランでなく、お持ち帰りの人もいっぱい来てたかな。

In the DC metro area, it seems to be there are so many kebab or Middle Eastern restaurants and that is making me really happy~♥ But since there are so many of them, it will take a while to check them out... As our first place, we went to Duke House of Kebab that was close to the home. Out side of the restaurant, you can already notice yummy smell of kebab grilling which made my stomach grumble... Inside, they also sell grocery such as rice, pita bread and spices. This isn't full-service restaurant and there were handful people for take-out.

Rally @ the Mall ひと、人、ひと!!!

またまた遅い更新ですが、先月末にワシントンDCのモールで開かれたラリーに行ってきました。行った時間が遅かったとはいえ、すごい人数が集合。人ごみかき分けて、ステージに近づく事を試みたものの、全然近くまで行けなかったよ〜 メトロもすごい混み様でビックリ!

Once again, it is a late post... We went to Restore Sanity and/ore Fear rally that was held at the Mall in DC on Oct. 29th by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. BUT! there were insane amount of of people at the Mall and it was quite impossible to get closer to the stage... Even the metro was very crowded. It was crazy!!

Friday, November 05, 2010

ご飯日記 Food logs in Northern Virginia

:: Snoopy mug from Target. I have one too! ::

週末はサイトには載っていないブランチメニューが豊富。私はSanta Fe Omelet をオーダー。ここはフルサービスのレストランというよりも、Panera Breadみたいに自分で飲み物やフォークなどを取りに行く形式。新しいお友達と日曜ブランチをしたんだけど、11時頃はかなりこんでいたよ〜

It seems like they have pretty extensive breakfast menu during weekends. I ordered Sanfa Fe Omelet and it was good. This place is not full-service restaurant, but more like Panera Bread where you get your own refills and utensils, etc. I met up with my new friend there around 11AM on Sunday, and there was line to order...

Mancini's Cafe & Bakery
1508 Mount Vernon Ave
Alexandria, VA 22301
(703) 838-3663

気がついたら… Oops!

前回の更新から2ヶ月以上も経っていた… 苦笑 
Opps! It's been more than two months since the last update!!!!↑ 引越し屋にも呆れられる程、荷物が多かったらしい 苦笑
Even the mover made a comment that we got so many boxes... what a mess!!

いろいろイベントが重なりかなり忙しかったんだよね〜 8月末に急に引越しが決まり、9月はツワリと戦いながら荷造りに追われ、9月末に何だかんだで結局7年も住んでいたケンタッキーを後に、バージニアに戻ってきたよ。妊娠初期に独りで車12時間も運転はさすがに辛かった〜!!! 休み休み来たのと、途中ウエスト・バージニアはずーっと雨だったので、12時間もかかった… 10月上旬からワシントンDC郊外のアレキザンドリアに住んでます〜 14日に届いてから山積みになっていた段ボールもほぼ片付き、のんびり出来るかなと思ったのもつかの間、2週間程体調崩してて何も出来てない… 涙 

Well, there were so many things happened in the past two months and I was super busy, at least to say. Now we are in near Washington, DC, and back in Virginia after living in Kentucky for 7 years (initially we thought we will be there only up to 3 years! ha!). At the end of August, we found out that we are moving, and most of September, we were too busy packing everything despite of my morning sickness... We said good-bye to KY at the end of Sept, and moved to Alexandria, VA in the beginning of Oct. Unfortunately, our belonging did not get delivered until 14th.... ugh.

For most part, the place is organized but I have been not feeling all that great for the past 2 weeks, and haven't been productive or functioning at all... Hopefully this sinus infection will go away soon before it gets worse.

気がついたらもう既に11月だし、お腹は出てきて入る洋服がないわで… 写真は先週妊娠14週目のとき… そのうち自分の足が見えなくなるんだろうなぁ 苦笑

While I have been busy and sick, my tummy has been growing and I cannot fit into most of my clothes... The photo from the last week @14 weeks pregnant. It will be matter of time that I won't be able to see my feet!!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

プロジェクトいろいろ★ Different Projects

食イジがはっているだけなのかもしれないけれど、初めて貝割れ大根を育ててみました♪ 時間はかかったけれど(1週間半位?)、ちゃんと育ってくれた〜★ もう食べちゃったけどね… 苦笑 ちょっぴり辛くって美味しかった。

Maybe I'm just too obsessed with eating... I grew radish sprouts in my kitchen for the first time. It was almost like a little science experiment, according to B. It took about 12 days until they were ready to be eaten. They were yummy in salad!

Friday, August 06, 2010

シェパード・フェアリー展 Shepard Fairey @Cincinnati

一ヶ月前になるけれど、シンシナティ・コンテンポラリー・アートセンター(近代美術センター?)で開催中のObey Giantやオバマ大統領のポスターで知られるシェパード・フェリーの展示を見てきました。

This is a little while back... we went to check out the exhibition of Shepard Fairey at the Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center.

Monday, August 02, 2010

ベトナムカフェでバインミー Bánh mì @Vietnamese Cafe


I discovered a place offers, Bánh mì, Vietnamese sandwiches, in south side of Louisville!

Friday, July 16, 2010

sweet stars 甘い星


アメリカは全国的に猛暑が続いてて、私の住んでいる地域にしては珍しく40度を超える程に。クーラー苦手だけれど、仕方なくクーラー(弱)の効いた部屋で、大人しくしてます… 最近モチベーションが欠け気味だけど、することなくって再びスケッチブックを開いた事に関してはプラスだけどね…

I cannot recall the last time I had these star-shaped sugar candies. It was probably when I was still a kid or I lived in Japan. I love this type of Japanese old-fashioned candies. The simple taste of candies and cute-shapes brought a smile on my face while feeling a slight sense of nostalgia...

Well, it's been a little too hot for me lately (above 100ºF!!). The heat discourages me to go outside of house, but maybe it's not a bad thing since it gave me a push to open back the sketchbook to doodle again...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I ♥ Historia Type Specimen

via Historia Type Specimen catalogue

I just think it's beautifully done to showcase their fonts.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

またまた / again and again...

It seems like the main topic for this blog has shifted to food lately...

Friday, April 23, 2010

自炊 / cooking for yourself


How often do you cook? Looking back this week, I realized that my diet wasn't something I can be proud of. Not only I didn't cook most of time, it was unbalanced diet. I definitely need to eat better this coming week!

Coconut curry with pouched egg is the recipe I learned at the cooking studio in Japan.

フードコーディネーターのSHIORIさんのレシピで、「豚バラとエリンギのゆず胡椒パスタ」を作ってみました。和風パスタもたまには良いかも。でも作り過ぎて何日か続けて食べる羽目に… しばらく作りそうもないなぁ 苦笑

Cooked this Japanese style pasta with pork and mushroom, using the recipe found online. I end up eating this for a few days in row since I cooked a little too much... ugh...


Friday, April 16, 2010

いりなかの縁日 / Farmers Market


今月からまた、ファーマーズ・マーケットが始まったけれど、時期的に野菜は少なく、他の商品もハーブの苗やチーズや蜂蜜ぐらいしか売っていなく残念だった… それに比べると、友達に連れていってもらった初めての日本のマーケット(?)はまだまだ寒い2月でもいろいろあって楽しかった〜 広いお寺の敷地内で月二回開かれるらしく、漬け物や焼き芋、鬼まんじゅうと、考えただけでヨダレが… 大根やみかんの安さにもビックリ。写真処理はまだまだ溜っているけれど、どうにか一部だけは終了したので、アップしました〜☆ ↓ 2ヶ月遅れだから、嫌になる〜 

I wish the spring weather lasted a little longer. It got warm a little quickly and I didn't get to wear spring jackets at all... The plus side of the warmer weather is that the farmers market started this month. I love going to the farmers market. I had a chance to go one in Japan, in the city where my friend lives, near Nagoya. It was a quite different from ones in the US; this is held only twice a month at the complex of this huge Buddhist temple. Of course they sell different kinds of things :)

Friday, April 09, 2010

近状報告 / lately



Not sure if I've been too busy or just lazy, but it seems like everything around me sped up. By the time I realize it, an awful amount of time has already past since I got back in the States.

Being caught in the torrent, I forgot to send a card to my good friend on her birthday. Feeling terrible, I hurried up and designed her birthday card and mailed it out with her gift other day. Hope she likes them :)

以前はなかなか時間がなくって、挑戦出来なかったパン作り。三度目の正直で、工夫の結果(?)やっと食パンらしきものが焼けました。2回程コッペパンの用なものが出来ちゃって、かなりヤケ入ってた… 全て手作業だったので、焼き上がるまでにかかった時間は4時間。パン屋で買って来た方が、賢い選択だったわ… 苦笑

Also, after failing twice, I finally baked a good looking loaf of bread. Baking bread was something I always wanted to try but haven't got around to it yet. Well, mainly it was because it takes a long time to bake, and as matter of fact, it took me total of 4 hours from start to finish... It probably was smarter to go to a store to buy one; then again, you cannot buy a sense of accomplishment at a store... :)

Monday, February 01, 2010

from the window / 窓から

正直言って見飽きてきた、机から見える風景。独りって楽しくない・・・ 冷たい雨の降る寒い冬はなおさら。

美味しいシュークリームたべたいなぁ。全然関係ないけど・・・ 苦笑

Honestly seeing the same view from the window front of my table almost everyday is getting boring... Everything is gray especially on a cold rainy day in the winter.

I want some cream puffs all the sudden... not sure why ;)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

trying too hard / カッコつけ過ぎ

日本の会社のホームページの検索が多い今日この頃。一つ気になることが・・・ タイポ(誤字)がやたらと多い!人のことがトヤカク言える程、英語力が完璧ではない私だが、メールで教えてあげようかと思う今日この頃。「外国語がかっこいい」との観念を持っている人が多いからなのは、わかるんだけど、使うからにはある程度チェックしてよ〜 苦笑


●某デザイン事務所。「monthly project」(月一回のプロジェクト)が「monthry project」になっていた。コレは単に勘違いじゃなくって、辞書でチェック入れていない証拠。

●某広告代理店。「mobil manufacture」はさすがに分からなく和文を読んで初めて、言いたいことを理解。「automotive/automobile manufacture」(自動車メーカー)と言いたかったみたい。そもそも「mobil」は誤字で「mobile」が正しく、英国は知らないけど、米国じゃ「mobile」といって最初に思いつくのは、携帯電話。




●日本語がある程度読める彼の以前のバイト先でのこと。明らかにデタラメで意味の分からない日本語の刺青をした客が来店。知らん顔で刺青の意味を訪ねた彼に、客は「私の○○って名前を日本語で入れたものなのよ〜」と嬉しそうに答えたそうな・・・ 「知らぬが仏」とはまさにこの事。

Being in Japan, I've been surfing Japanese sites more often than ever. What I've been noticing is that too many typos of English words. I guess English is used often since many think it's cooler to use foreign languages... I know my English isn't perfect but it's been bothering me quite often. Here are what I've seen so far...

* on the web site for a cafe:
Instead of "brunch", it was spelled out "branch". Also it turned out that it wasn't brunch at all since it was served between lunch and dinner!

* on the web site for a design firm:
Instead of "monthly project", it was spelled out as "monthry project". Obviously someone was too lazy to spell check.

* on the web site for an ad agency:
I had a hard time what they are trying to say with "mobil manufacture". After reading it in Japanese, I realized that they wanted to say "automotive/automobile manufacture"... I thought of cell phones instead of cars at first. :)

I have been wondering if I should email these places to point out their typos. :-/

Well, on other hand I have seen the incidents that are other way around as well.

* Back in college, a guy asked me to make sure his name is spelled correctly in Japanese. What he showed me was already finished tattoo on his back! Even though I had an urge to be mean and tell him that it was incorrect to freak him out, I told him the truth. What a lucky guy!

* When Beejay used to work retail, one customer who had a tattoo of random Japanese character came in to the store. Pretending that he couldn't read Japanese at all, he asked the meaning of that tattoo. She replied with a huge smile on her face, "it's my name in Japanese"... "Ignorance is a bliss"

Friday, January 29, 2010

delicious experience / 美味しい経験

今日は友達が通っているお料理教室で、体験レッスンを受けさせてもらってきました〜 レシピは比較的簡単だったけど、美味しく作るコツみたいのを教わって、美味しくできました。今日のメニューはサラダとココナッツカレー。カフェ風でお皿も自分でえらべて、おもしろかった。是非、家でも作ってみたいなあ。ここのスタジオすっごくオシャレで可愛い☆ ここをデザインした人、見事にターゲット層を理解しているなぁ〜♥

Today my friend took me to the cooking class she is taking. The menu was coconut curry and salad. It was fairly easy recipe but the instructor taught us a few cooking tips that will help to improve my skill. It was a very delicious experience for sure. I'd love to take more lessens if I live in Japan. They also offered bread making and baking lessons! Yummm... The interior of the studio was really cute and colorful. Whoever designed it did a great job hitting the target audience...

おまけの新バージョンの「にこにこぷん」キャラマグ。なんか妙だわ〜 「じゃじゃまる」と「ぴっころ」の顔が似ているけど、微妙に違う…

Coffee cups with the newer version of the characters based on the old kid's TV show which I grew up watching... Looks a little odd... :(


It was quite nice to get to spend time with my old friend whom I've know for 27 years...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

satisfied curiosity / ずっと気になっていた… 

初のスープカレー!流行っていた頃から気にはなっていたけど、今まで全く食べる機会に恵まれなかったのデス。が、一人でも入りやすそうなお店を地元で発見。折角の機会だから、行って来たセンター北の IRiE IRiE ☆ 実は、情けないことに、ファストフードならまだしも、今まで独りで普通のレストランで食事したのは数えられる程度。ちょっとドキドキもんでした。…実際、比較的コジンマリとした店内で話相手がいなく、目線のやり場に困ったけど 苦笑

問題のスープカレーはというと、おいしかったあ♥ インドのカレーのように、スパイスがしっかり効いた複雑な味で、とてもコクがありました。でもなぜか大根下ろしの味がしたのは、気のせいかなあ?今度、家でも是非挑戦したいけど、いっぱい野菜・果物、スパイスが必要そうなので、時間のある日じゃないと無理かも…

I finally had a chance to had "soup curry" at last. I guess technically it's "curry flavored soup", a dish that was pretty popular in Japan several years ago. I have been curious about this dish. Luckily I found a restaurant within the walking distance (30 min. walk) who serves "soup curry", IRiE IRiE. It was pretty spicy but the soup had such a complex flavor from different kinds of spices and veggies. I will definitely try to make this dish at home when I have time since it seems like a long process to make it from scratch.

日本は美味しいと連発気味の私ですが、ちゃんと調節は心がけていたり。今回のカレー屋さんは地下鉄で2つ目の駅なんだけど、しっかり徒歩で行った。コレでカロリー的に食べなかったことに…とは都合良くいかないのが悲しい現実。だけど、驚いたことに、ダイエット根性丸出しで長〜い駅の階段登っているのって、私ぐらい。なのに日本の皆さん細すぎ… ズルイ! 汗

Well from all eating I have been doing, I don't want to put some pounds. So I have been walking as much as possible. On the way to the restaurant, I passed two subway stations with really long stairs. To my surprise, I was only person who was going up the stairs, but everyone was using the escalator. I guess I'm the only person who is worried about diet?! Then again, how those ladies manage to stay so skinny without exercises? I know that they also eat at McDonald's!?

歩いた証拠 Evidences of my walking ↓↓↓