Thursday, June 25, 2009

自炊がんばってみた / trying to cook more

最近自炊がんばってみました☆ 焼き肉風炒め物とごはん。ドライカレー。ダイコン餅と麻婆豆腐。トンカツ。揚げ物は普段あまりしないんだけど、無性にトンカツが食べたくなったので。外で食べるとそんなに美味しくもないのに、日本食ってだけで高いし。下手すると出てくる米が中粒か長粒米・・・ 普通の日本食店ってルイビル皆無だもんね〜 しかしビージェイが文字通り何でも食べるんでホント助かります。日本食やアジア系苦手だったら献立考えるのつらいわ・・・ 

I'm back in the mood to cook again. From the top left, BBQ beef with veggie, curry, daikon radish mochi and mapo dofu, and pork cutlet. Because there aren't too many places who serve what I crave, if they do they are too over priced anyway. Pretty much only option I have is to cook for myself. I tend to cook food I ate growing up, and that means lot of Japanese food. So I got lucky that Beejay eats everything I cook. Life will be very difficult if he were a picky eater... Yikes.


I tried this noodle from the Korean grocery store I go often. I like it a lot and it reminded me of Bibimbap but using noodle instead of rice with.

初めてピザを粉から作ってみたよ〜 生地の発酵に時間はかかるけど意外と簡単だったかも。ベランダで育てているバジル使って、野菜のトッピングいっぱいのせて… でもトマトソースのレシピが良くなかったのか味はまあまあ。(・ε・)工夫して納得いくピザ作りがんばるぞ〜

My first try at pizza making from the scratch! It did take time to make the dough but it wasn't too hard and used the basil I'm growing on the deck... put lots of veggies... hmmmmm... I guess the recipe for the sauce was the greatest, not thick enough. It looks like my battle of making taste pizza has to continue...


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  1. おいしっそ~~~☆



  2. 働いていると大変だよ。私も時々手抜きで外食もしくは冷凍モノ。彼なんかお腹空くと勝手にシリアルやPB&Jサンドイッチ食べちゃってるし。苦笑
