Friday, May 27, 2011

my work:: 幼稚園用のイラスト illutration for a kindergarten


Before the maternity leave, I had a chance to do some illustration for  a kindergarten. Mainly I do illustration for personal use, so it was nice to draw for someone else to use...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

そろそろ本番 No more training wheels!





Finally I'm going back to NOVA this weekend. My training wheels must come off... hmmmmmm.....

I am so grateful that my parents let me stay with them this month until I get used to this new life with Akari. They have been very helpful since they already have plenty of experience!! Akari now only wakes up every few hours and has been pretty good. Also I started to understand what she wants when she cries. I'm pretty sure that hubby will be impressed with our progress while we were away from home!

On the side note, now my blog can be viewed with smartphones. I was about to switch the blog service since blogger didn't have this setting...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

一ヶ月 one month

:: 母曰くアカリに似ているらしい my mom thinks this chick just looks like Akari ::


4 weeks have flew by while I cannot remember much being busy changing diapers, feeding, putting her sleep and trying to get some sleep... She has grown significantly and now she wears the size 1 diapers! Woo hoo! And I haven't gone insane.......................... just yet?