Monday, July 23, 2012

アップアップな日々 busy days

相変わらず、仕事、育児、家事、妊娠と自分でも欲張りすぎたなと思いながらアップアップしながらこの記録的な猛暑に耐えてます。(ってエアコンガンガンつけて、アイスを頻繁に食べていたり…)今年は40度を超える日が多くて、妊婦には辛い〜 日本程湿気がないのが唯一の救いだけど、暑がりの我々親子は果たして日本の夏大丈夫なのかな、まだまだ先の心配をしてみたり… 

As always, juggling work, parenthood, house-chores, and pregnancy hasn't been easy for me, and i am taking one day at a time while enduring this crazy heatwave... with A/C and ice cream. This hot summer is a little too much for this prego, although I cannot imagine how things are in very-humid Japan. As much as I want to go back, I am not looking forward staying there one summer in the near future! Akari gets sweaty too easily too... poor thing.

7月にデイケアが2週間休みで、どうやってこの猛暑の中ワンパクな一歳時と毎日過ごそうと心配だったのだけれども、以外とスムーズに終了。途中、私の方がデイケア恋しくなるかと思いきや、デイケアないといつもより遅くまで寝れいられる事に気づき、逆にデイケア開始日前日は、自分が学校に戻る気分を久し振りに味わうことに… 苦笑 睡眠万歳〜!

こんなママの心配をよそに、チビは私のでかいお腹を椅子と勘違いしているらしくやたらと登ろうとしたりするので、ハラハラドキドキ!自己主張が更に激しくなり、私が一番恐れていた言葉をいつの間にか覚えていて、NOの連発の日々。しかも、ご丁寧に首を横に振りながらNO… 子供って、どうしても厄介な言葉から先に覚えるのだろう?次はmineの気がする… その上、最近は嫌な事があると小走りに逃去るという特技までマスター。ママ泣かせ〜

During the daycare was closed for two weeks in July, I was a little worried how to keep the 1 yo. busy everyday, but it was a lot better than expected. Actually, I loved that we got to sleep in a little later than usual, and the similar feeling of going back to school came to me night before Akari went back to the daycare... geez, I really love sleeping lately with this pregnancy. I am more tired than the 1st time even though the 2nd trimester should be the best time! Maybe it's because the baby moved a way too much, making me feel like that my tummy turned into a washing machine. This baby might be more energetic than Akari, and that thought freaks me out a little, thinking about chasing two toddlers everyday... well... I guess it's a little too late for changing my mind... Only option is to go forward... ugh!

 私はというと、すでに日本の医師だったら絶対怒られそうな体重増加で、残りの3ヶ月ドコまで増えるのか恐怖… 自炊をもう少し頑張れば良いのに、疲労のためご飯作るのが凄く面倒で、心なし外食の回数が増えているし、暑くて散歩してないしと、ヤバい感じ… いったいどうなる事やら 汗

As for me, I gained a lot within the month of June and it's making me a little concerned even though it's in still a okay-range. It makes me worry how much I will end up gaining during the remaining three months... 

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  1. Hello, Yoshika-san :)
    This is Erica from Louisville.
    So, you are having another baby!
    Wow! That's great!!!
    I'm so happy for you :)
    Hope everything is doing good.

    1. お久し振り!あっという間に2人目です… 汗 ericaちゃんも、ルイビルで頑張っているみたいだね〜こっちに遊びに来る事あったら声かけてね。
