Monday, March 28, 2011

baby shower

:: お持ち帰りのお土産として作ったマカロン。コレって本当に難しい!3度目のトライ… ::

:: I made macaroon as a party favor. They are so difficult to make and this was my 3rd time trying and finally got a decent result... ::


It's about 3 weeks late update, my mom and sister-in-law throw us a baby shower on March 6 back in Hampton Roads. It was very nice to see family and old friends we haven't seen in awhile.

Beecher ordered us a Rabbit cake! Cute, but everyone thought of a mouse at first!! 義姉がオーダーしてくれたウサギケーキ。箱を空けた瞬間みんなが、「えっ!?ネズミ?」(苦笑)

まさか自分たちが友人内では比較的早く親になるとは予想外だったなぁ。絶対周囲からは最後の方だと思われてもいたしね(苦笑)また、遠くにいて来れない友達からも祝いをもらい、Rabbitは本当に幸せだなぁ〜 みんなありがとう♪

Including ourselves, nobody thought we will be parents this early. Pretty sure many thought we will be the last couple in our circle of friends to have a kid... hehe. Also we are very thankful to our friends who live faraway to send Rabbit gifts!! You guys are very thoughtful... We know Rabbit will love them♥

:: 27, 33, and 35 weeks (I think I'm ready as Rabbit has grew significantly all the sudden and I started to feel VERY uncomfortable!! ::

:: 27, 33, 35週目。ここ数週間でイキナリ大きくなったお腹。歩くのが辛くなってきた… 正直言ってもう出てきてもらっても構わない〜 ::

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Yoshi! You are gorgeous pregnant... of course that also means the obvious... that you are gorgeous not pregnant :) So excited for you both... have a great time with little Rabbit!
