Sunday, December 19, 2010

早起きのご褒美 Treat for getting up earlier

予定もないのに思ったより早起きしてしまった週末、みんなはどうする?珍しく2人揃って8時前に目が覚めてしまった日曜日の朝。久しぶりに朝食を一緒に外で食べてきた。…が、お店の開店時間をうっかりチェックしないで行ったのが間違い。当初いく予定だったOld Townのフレンチ・ベーカリーは残念ながら10時オープン!


What would you do if you get up earlier than expected on weekends? Well, we rarely wake up before 8 AM on weekends, but for some reasons we both woke up before 8 AM this Sunday... So we decided to go to get breakfast in Old Town, I guess as a treat for waking up early?! Well, however, silly us... we forgot to check the hours of this French bakery! We realized that we got there a little too early and it won't open until 10 AM.

Being hungry already, we ended up going to La Madeleine around the corner instead. Despite of the sudden change of plan, Beejay was happy since he was able to get crépe there which was what he was craving after all. phew...

日本で売っている様なケーキもあって、次回来た時は是非試してみたいなぁ。美味しい物食べると、気分がウキウキになるから良いよね〜♪ (だから食事制限のダイエットって苦手なんだけど…)あぁ、体調が良くなってきたから体重増えすぎないように、今週はたくさん歩かなければ… 

I really love French pastries! They are cute and taste are usually not too overwhelming. I definitely want to try what I saw there at next visit. It's kind of funny that yummy food makes you really happy. ...well that's the reason why I'm not really good with diet... Which reminds me that I should walk and do some exercise this week now I am no longer sick... Got to watch how fast I'm gaining!

お店の名前がMadeleineってくらいだからマドレーヌ売ってても良さそうなのに、なかったなぁ。苦笑 Laが付いているから違ういきなのかな?

Here is a silly though... Despite the fact "Madeleine" is being part of the store name, they didn't have madeleine (cake) ... :(

La Madeleine
French Bakery & Cafe
500 King St
Alexandria, VA 22314(703) 739-2854

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