Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Food log :: Ben's Chili Bowl

遂にあのオバマ大統領も行くBen's Chili Bowlに行って来たよ!(ミーハー?)日曜日の早めのお昼だったので比較的空いてました。この外壁のカラフルさが好きー☆ お店の前のカラフルな熊さんは一体なんだったんだろう… 以前流行っていた街起こし(?)用の像かなぁ?

Finally we had a chance to check out Ben's Chili Bowl where the president Obama even likes to go! Since we made it there for early lunch, the place wasn't too busy just yet (it got pretty busy by the time we were done.). I really the use of vivid color outside of the store, very diner like... But what's up with the bear at front?

内装は昔のダイナーそのままで、有名なのにも関わらず気取っていないところが良い感じ。コーナーにはオバマ大統領が座った席が!「ビリー・コスビーとオバマ家族は無料!」と書いてあるサインが店内に張ってあった〜(笑)注文したのはhalf-smokeとchili dogを一つづつとポテト。見た目は置いといて(苦笑)、問題のお味の方は… 

チリにスパイスが効いててピリ辛めで比較的美味しかった♪ 個人的にはホットドッグよりもhalf-smoke(ソーセージ)の方が好きかも。隣りに座っていた人がチリ・チーズフライをオーダーしててそっちがかなり気になっていたけどね〜

Even though it's pretty famous, the interior was very old diner like and I bet many things were originally there since it opened in 1958. There was a sign saying that only Billy Cosby and the Obama family will get free food. Funny...

We ordered half-smoke, chili dog and fries, and they are yummy. (although I never cannot get quite used to the visual of chili, but that is my personal issue...) The chili was a little spicy to my surprise, and I think I preferred half-smoke (sausage) over hot dog. The guy next me was eating chili cheese fries and that looked really good too!

Other than hot dogs and chili, they also serve breakfast and there were tons of items on the menu.

Ben's Chili Bowl
1213 U St NW
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 667-0909

1 comment:

  1. The Bear is a Panda from a Campaign called Pandamania the summer of 2004 to support the Pandas at the Zoo (Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing). At one time there was several dozen pandas all around DC designed by artists. Some are long gone, but there are others that have been treasured by their business sponsors (Like Bens) and have become tourist icons of the city. (Norfolk has Mermaids, VA Beach Dolphins, NYC Cows)

    See more Pandas here: http://jophan.org/pandamania/
