Friday, March 15, 2013

ちび介の4ヶ月健診 4 months check-up


どうやってこの年子姉弟を軒下まで雨の中連れて行くかいろいろ考えました。晴れていたら、ダブルのベビーカーだったんですが… 結局、待っても一向に弱らない雨の中、ちび介をカー シートのまま左手で、傘で遊んでしまって歩いてくれそうもないちび姉を右腕にラグビー抱きし、傘を肩にかけ、ダッシュ!!!!!!!!!! 火事場の馬鹿力とはまさにこの事ですね(苦笑)おまけに、帰りも同じ手段。腹立つことに、健診の数時間後には晴天に…

It's been already four months and we had to go to the check up this week, in rain... I think it was pouring down at Akari's 4 mo. check up too! What is going one here?!

After thinking of a few ideas how to get to the building from the car with 22 mo. and 4 mo. without soaking wet, I realized that there weren't really many options but to run with them. But guess what? I'm the only one who can run! So I grabbed the carseat in my left arm, the toddler in my right arm, put the umbrella on my shoulder, and ran in the rain! Oh boy, I didn't know that I was capable of doing such heavy lifting even though I haven't worked out since I was pregnant with Akari! It was quite a workout!!!


医者に行くのに大変なのが、ちび姉!私が子供の時とそっくりで、診察室に入ろうとすると何かを察してすでに、泣きべそ。幸いにも、小児科の先生のパソコン(カルテ)が気になり、診察中は子供用の椅子を先生の隣りに持っていき、ちゃっかり座り込んでパソコンを覗き込むのに夢中で、大人しくしていてくれました(苦笑)でもその後、看護師さんが注射を持って部屋に入って来ると、ちび姉ようじゃないのに、また半泣き… オイオイ…

well, so even though it was down to 65%, his weight was over 16 lbs. No wonder my arm hurts lately... And he did well with two shots in his thighs. He cried right after the shots, but soon enough he calmed down and was sleeping in the car on the way home... Much better than previous time, Ken! 

Akari also did much better than I expected. She freaked out a bit as we entered the room (just like how I used be as a kid...), and when the nurse came in with the shots thinking they were for her. But during the check-up, she was curious about the Dr.'s laptop, so she moved one of the kiddie chair next to the Dr's, and sat there to see what was on the screen whole time!   

さてこのちび姉。すっかりお姉さんが板についてきて、いろいろと私たちの真似をしてお世話をしたがります。でも、力加減がわからず、弟くんはいじめだと思っていそう… ちび介が泣いていると、真っ先に飛んで行くし、今までは「べべ」と読んでいたのに、今月からはちゃんと名前を言うようになりました。取りあえず、焼きもちもやかずに仲良くしてくれているので、すごく嬉しいなぁ〜 

Talking about Akari, now she calls her little brother by his name, not just "bebeh". Also she loves to take care of him, copying what we do, although still not understanding how to be gentle, poor Ken is more like being beat up... oh boy...  But it's so clear that she just loves her brother and seems like she cannot get enough of him! She is constantly checking on him making sure that he is okay, and she is the first one to get to him whenever he is crying... It's cute and seeing them together makes me smile :)


  1. 7キロ越え、立派です!!ちびスケ君もどんどん大きくなって表情も豊かになってますね!可愛いです~。


    1. なほ二郎さん+++

      さすがに二人連れて出かけると、体も心もヘトヘトになりますよ〜 一日一カ所が限度ですが、一日一回は外出しないとちび姉も私もダラダラ&イライラするので、毎日ヤケで出かけてます〜^^
